Equivalent to Pirack for Piface Digital 2 Topic is solved

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Equivalent to Pirack for Piface Digital 2

Post by Michel13 »


For my project, I would like to use at least 2 Piface Digital 2 on one Rasp PI2.
I thought the Pirack was the good thing for adding cards to the GPIO, so I have ordered one.
Alas, the Piface Pirack cannot accomodate the Piface Digital 2 : the GPIO connector of the card is bigger thus it bump into the jumpers on both sides of each connector of the Pirack. In addition, the 5V connector is also an obstruction on the first connector. Great ! :roll:
Why Piface does not produce a Pirack compatible with their own products ?
So now, I am still looking for a solution to connect more than one Digital 2 on a Rasp.
Do you have any idea, product or solution to achieve that goal ?

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Re: Equivalent to Pirack for Piface Digital 2

Post by Michel13 »


I am very surprised that nobody have had to face the same impossibility to match the Digital 2 with Pirack.
I have finally solved the problem and I give here my solution in case it could help somebody.
I have simply removed the barrel jack and the jumpers pins JP1 to 8, and solder them on the other side of the board. As pins of the barrel jack are reversed, I have done an external wiring to connect the negative pin to the board.
No change is necessary on JP9 to 12.
For addressing the Digital :
On Digital boards : JP1 and 2 must be set to the proper address board, with JP1 and 2 to 0 on board 0, JP1 to 1, JP2 to 0 on board 1, etc (see Digital doc)
On the Pirack : set JP1 to 8 where Digital are installed from default SPI CE to Swapped SPI CE lines (see Pirack doc). Don't ask why, but the default setting does not work.
In Domoticz : add the necessary lines in piface.conf file to include the additional digital boards. For instance, for output 0 and input 0 of board 1 :

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Enjoy the multi digital 2
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Re: Equivalent to Pirack for Piface Digital 2

Post by mscory »

No you are not alone !
Thank you for your comments. I modified my PiRack and it worked ... without swapping SPI CE. Strange.

Kind regards
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Re: Equivalent to Pirack for Piface Digital 2

Post by Michel13 »

Thanks for your feedback. I am glad that it helped you, as it could help many others hopefully.
I have not made much progress on my project since. I did a lot of purchasing and preparation works to implement the future installation of my home automation system. So I cannot currently comment on the usefulness or not of the SPI CE setting. I will test again as soon as possible.

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