Gijs69 wrote:Dear cogliostrio,
I installed my thermostat and tried your xml file. It truns out there were still a few bugs in it. I corrected them and ataatced the update XML file.
- index values of SETPOINTs were not consistent. I was changing the setpoint of the Cool mode when I updated the Energy Heat values
- Configuration values for tmerperatures should be shorts instead of bytes to cever for the full temp. range.
I now get 4 devices in domoticz. Teperature, thermostat mode, setpoint cooling 1 and setpoint dry air. None of the setpoints work.
Changing thermostat mode works, but if I set it to cooling, it locks the screen of my thermostat. Dry air setpoint shows zero, and wont accept any input, from either web or thermostat itself.
Looking at the engineering spec, it only mentions cooling "...if enabled..". Functionality spec mentions it " special model...". Connections schematic for my thermostats does not have any info on connections for cooling. This leads me to believe that cooling should be removed from config file all together, and is possibly included for a future hardware update(?)
I had to remove all cooling references in config file to make it work correctly again. I now have two setpoint which both work, heating and energy heat.
If you are on the beta channel, just update your install. You can include it manually as well.
Multireg xml config must be located at this path
Code: Select all
Then update your manufacturer_specific.xml located here:
Code: Select all
Like this.
Code: Select all
<Manufacturer id="019b" name="ThermoFloor AS">
<Product type="0001" id="0001" name="Heatit Thermostat TF 021" config="thermofloor/heatit021.xml"/>