Setting up devices

On various Hardware and OS systems: pi / windows / routers / nas, etc

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Setting up devices

Post by dbemowsk »

I am very new to the forum and to Domoticz, so forgive me if this is in the wrong place. I was looking for a suitable topic to put this under and thought this was the best. Feel free to move it if it is in the wrong place.

So I am starting simple. I have Domoticz installed and I have a MySensors USB/Serial gateway set up. If I click on Setup > Hardware, I see the MySensors Serial Gateway. Under "Type" I see "MySensors Gateway USB Version: ? [Setup]". When I click on the Setup, I am able to detect my garage door sensor node and it's two children, the S_LIGHT/S_BINARY and the S_ARDUINO_NODE. My problem is that the garage door node, nor any of the child nodes show up in "Devices" under setup. The only thing showing under devices is the gateway. How do I get child nodes to show up under devices/?

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Re: Setting up devices

Post by Egregius »

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