HTTPS login - Certificate error

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HTTPS login - Certificate error

Post by Raarrr »

Good day folks!

Hope you can lend me a hand..

I've been trying to access my Domoticz setup using HTTPS on port 443 instead of the normal HTTP on 8080.

I added the -sslwww443 in right after -www8080.

But when I try to log in using HTTPS I keep getting the certificate error as in the screenshot.

HTTPS is crossed out and I can onlu log in using HTTP.

Who knows the fix?

Thanks a lot
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Re: HTTPS login - Certificate error

Post by Raarrr »

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Re: HTTPS login - Certificate error

Post by rvvliet78 »

Did you install a certificate?
And certificated are domain based and not ip addressed based.

I never used the ssl options with domoticz but i can imagine you need to configure more then just -sslwww443

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Re: HTTPS login - Certificate error

Post by mrf68 »

The fact that it's crossed out doesn't mean your not using https. In your screenprint you can see the second statement "Je verbinding met is versleuteld....". If you read what is mentioned above that, it says "De identiteit van deze website is niet geverifieerd. Het servercertificaat komt niet overeen met de URL. Het servercertificaat is niet betrouwbaar. ". The URL you use is, the certificate is valid for *

You can trick your computer by editing its hosts file (i.e. on Windows: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\). Add this line:

Code: Select all
.. and save it. You need to have administrator rights when editing this file. Then open your browser and go to It still says that there is a problem, but you will see that the statement "Het servercertificaat komt niet overeen met de URL" has disappeared.


When you click on "Certificaatgegevens" you will get the info "Dit CA-basiscertificaat wordt niet vertrouwd." It doesn't like the issuer of this certificate. We can solve that.
Click "Certificaatgegevens", select tab "Details" and click "Kopiëren naar bestand...". A wizard starts where you can export this certificate. Click "Volgende", click "Volgende", click "Bladeren" so you can see where the file will be placed, give it a name like "localdomoticz" and click "Opslaan", click "Volgende" (you can see the full path again), click "Voltooien" and a message appears "Het exporteren is voltooid."
Now you can ipmort this certificate in your browser. Looking at your screenprint, you are using Chrome. Start Chrome, open "Instellingen", click "Geavanceerde instellingen weergeven...", click "Certificaten beheren...", click "Importeren", click "Volgende", click "Bladeren" and select the file whe just created, click "Openen", click "Volgende", click "Bladeren" and select "Vertrouwde basiscertificeringsinstanties" and click "OK", click "Volgende", click "Voltooien". Then a warning appears and the system asks if you want to install this certificate, click "Ja". Restart your browser and you will see no crossed out lock anymore.


I must add a warning: if you don't know what you're doing, messing with the system's security settings can be tricky. I can't take any responsibility for problems that arise while following this little tutorial.
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Re: HTTPS login - Certificate error

Post by erem »

Hi all,

i had the same issue. I solved this using this procedure (it did NOT work for IE, but i do not use that any more) Works for chrome/Firefox.

=================== ... d_cert.htm

Hope this helps,


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