(for instance if my daugther (11) or family want's to control the lights or heater when we're not at home)
So I came up with the idea to use a RaspberryPi and the RaspberryPi 7" Touchscreen in a nice frame, and put it on our bookshelf.
Because of the touchscreen, I wanted it to be fully operational without a mouse or keyboard and only single purpose for Domoticz.
This is why I configured the Pi in Kiosk Mode and at reboot it will automatically present the Domoticz Interface.
During boot I didn't want to see all the bootlogging garbage, but a nice Domoticz logo.
This is how I configured the RaspberryPi to achieve these goals:
Install & Basic Configuration
Install the latest Debian Jessie Image
Config Network (WiFi)
Open Terminal:
Code: Select all
sudo raspi-config
Expand drive
Overclock (Pi2B) - (I'm using a Raspberry Pi 2B - Choose your own preferred Speed)
GPU Memory (256Mb)
Code: Select all
Open Terminal:
Code: Select all
sudo su
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get -y install xscreensaver
apt-get -y install xautomation
apt-get -y install fbi
apt-get -y install mc
apt-get -y install locate
cd /etc/init.d/
wget http://upload.luppie.net/domoticz/aaaasplash
cd /etc/
wget http://upload.luppie.net/domoticz/splash.png
cd /home/pi/
wget http://upload.luppie.net/domoticz/domoticz.sh
nano /home/pi/domoticz.sh
Make scripts executable and auto reboot at midnight
Code: Select all
chmod a+x /home/pi/domoticz.sh
chmod a+x /etc/init.d/aaaasplash
insserv /etc/init.d/aaaasplash
crontab -e
Prevent screen to go into blank mode (When the screen blanks, it wont come up anymore)
Code: Select all
nano /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
@xset s off
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
@sh /home/pi/domoticz.sh
Code: Select all
nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
xserver-command=X -s 0 dpms
The screen is upsidedown in the frame, so it needs to be rotated
Code: Select all
nano /boot/config.txt
Redirect the logging and disable the raspberry logo
Code: Select all
nano /boot/cmdline.txt
Change : console=tty3
Code: Select all
When the Domoticz page is presented, press F11 to exit Full Screen and configure the screensaver trough Startmenu -> Preferences -> xscreensaver
Now the keyboard can be unplugged.
This is the result: