BBI_home wrote:Hi,
Does somebody have experience to connect a Pilot app thru a Dutch KPN Experia Box V9?
I think I’m struggling with the correct NAT setting.
I’ve put the Lan host by IP address in the DMZ,
Enabled UPnG IGD,
Set port forwarding to Start Port 80 and End Port 8080
Also the Start Mapping Port to 80 and End Mapping Port 8080
SNTP is according standard KPN rules
The settings for Custom HTTP/Action are filling according tutorial
Also the test looks successful: “ Notification send! Should arrive at your device soon…’
And the settings on the app are accepted and seems to be oke too!
Looking forward for ideas
The App uses the standard Domoticz API, so first test if you can use the basic Domoticz web interface from an external location, preferably using HTTPS and a username/password.
I would NOT recommend to put the IP address of your home automation computer in the DMZ. This exposes every ports and every protocol to the wild wild internet. Just use port forwarding and forward port 443 external (or any other if you like) to the IP-address and port 443 of the Domoticz system.
Sending notifications from Domoticz to the Internet has nothing to do with al this (access from the Internet to Domoticz), so that does not prove anything.