Introduce yourself

Subforum for general discussions. Do not dump your questions/problems here, but try to find the subforum where it belongs!

Moderators: leecollings, remb0

Posts: 1
Joined: Monday 29 June 2015 13:35
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version:
Location: France

Re: Introduce yourself

Post by Cerber »

[Name:] Cerber
[Country:] France
[City:] Lille
[Occupation:] IT specialist
[Hobbies:] ScubaDiving, Computers, gadgets, scripting (Java, linux and websites), movies.
[Choise for domoticz:]
My house lacked a thermostat, so I've checked prices and finally choose a "cheap, easy, adaptable, and expandable." domotica solution :)
[My role here?] I'm a user but I might come up with patches to domoticz ... who knows :)
Posts: 2
Joined: Wednesday 08 July 2015 13:07
Target OS: Windows
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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by Hexer »

[Name:] Sabina
[Country:] Germany / NRW
[Occupation:] Studentin
[Hobbies:] Technic
[Choise for domoticz:]
- free, open, and works good

iphone 6 schale
Wenn du mein Schweigen nicht verstaendest, würdest du nie meine Woerter verstehen. hülle für iphone 6 und iphone 6 plus
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Joined: Wednesday 22 April 2015 9:21
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version:

Re: Introduce yourself

Post by dennisdiving »

[Name:] Dennis
[Country:] Netherlands
[City:] Krommenie
[Occupation:] currently own cosmetics bussiness; 20 years experience with Hi-tech security systems.
[Hobbies:] Work, Scubadiving, programming
[Choise for domoticz:]
The last 10 years almost all security systems are installed with IP connection.
Communication between all the seperate systems are sometimes very difficult (programmers likes closed ciruit system).
I like to open the system and let systems talk with each other.
Domoticz is for now my home automation.
[My role here?] I'm a user but will post my programming.
[Equipment:] Banana pi (because of ext sata), RFXCOM, Toon, Piface, (10+) 433 Mhz devices, GeoFence, music player.....

I like creating something out of nothing
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Posts: 39
Joined: Friday 10 July 2015 21:06
Target OS: Linux
Domoticz version: 2020.2 1
Location: Deventer, NL

Re: Introduce yourself

Post by RvdM »

[Name:] Ronald
[Country:] Netherlands
[City:] Deventer
[Occupation:] Security Manager at a large IT company
[Hobbies:] Information Technology, Linux, Domotica, Website development and Photography
[Choise for domoticz:]
I've started with a simple KAKU setup. After a while I wanted to automate those switches and bought a HomeWizard and wrote some scripting to control the HomeWizard API. After a couple of years I was looking for something more advanced and something more responsive. So I bought a Raspberry PI with RFXcom transceiver and installed Domoticz on it. In 2015 i've bought a Z-wave USB stick, connected it to the raspberry and started replacing the KAKU switches for Z-Wave switches.

[My role here?] Seeking advise and helping others if I can.
[Equipment:] Raspberry Pi, RFXcom transceiver, Zwave USB controller, 8 KaKu wallplugs for light control, 6 temp and humidity sensors, 1 motion sensor, 2 dimmers for light control, 3 Fibaro Wallplugs with energy meters to eliminate standby power usage, 1 dusk sensor and a ton of scripting that will determine when to switch which device at which moment. For example iPhone detection scripting, Mechanical Ventilation based on humidity of bath/living-room and energy saving when both iphones left the network or if they are charging in the bedroom. More to come, thats for sure!
Running virtualized domoticz server on a proxmox cluster with a slave for optimal RFX communication. Using Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5, rfxtrx433e, Homebridge and a Philips HUE bridge for all sort of home automation.
Posts: 4
Joined: Tuesday 14 July 2015 12:14
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version:

Re: Introduce yourself

Post by umbr3lla »

[Name:] Paval
[Country:] United Kingdom
[City:] Shefield
[Occupation:] IT Specialist
[Hobbies:] Work, Football, Gaming, Sport
[Choice for domoticz:] To replace the Lightwave controller and to have more powerful flexibility with commands.
[My role here?] I am a new user and here to learn to use features.
[Equipment:] Rasbperry pi, RFXCOM, Synoogy NAS.
Posts: 1
Joined: Sunday 19 July 2015 17:30
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version:
Location: Rijswijk Netherlands

Re: Introduce yourself

Post by wezel »

[Name:] Jerome
[Country:] The Netherlands
[City:] Rijswijk (zh)
[Occupation:] Technical project manager infrastructure and applications.
[Hobbies:] Computers, gadgets, cars
[Choise for domoticz:] I like the Raspberry Pi concept and already had one in the beginning running xbmc. when the Pi2 came out I bought that to run my mediacenter. I was looking for a purpose for my old PI and found domoticz. now I'm trying to make my 1920 house a bit more smart ;-)
Posts: 67
Joined: Sunday 22 March 2015 16:18
Target OS: NAS (Synology & others)
Domoticz version:

Re: Introduce yourself

Post by Dlanor »

[Name:] Ronald
[Country:] The Netherlands
[Regio:] Zuid-Holland
[Occupation:] Technical project manager Marine & Offshore
[Hobbies:] Computers, ships and electronic
[Choise for domoticz:] I like Domoticz because it is open source and well maintained. It can combine different systems. If any thing happens the individual systems keep running which has high WAF. It has keeps me busy and costs low. [/quote]
Domoticz| Zigbee | SONOFF
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Joined: Sunday 26 July 2015 13:33
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by nood »

[Name:] Nood
[Country:] Belgium
[Regio:] Oost-Vlaanderen
[Occupation:] Factory worker
[Hobbies:] Computers and technology in general
[Choise for domoticz:] Because it has a very nice UI, it's very versatile and it's open source.
[Equipment:] Rpi2, RFXcom, Aeon Z-wave usb, miLight WiFi controller
Posts: 843
Joined: Sunday 23 February 2014 17:56
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: mixed
Location: Hengelo(Ov)/NL

Re: Introduce yourself

Post by Toulon7559 »

[Name:] Ton
[Country:] The Netherlands
[City:] Hengelo (Ov)
[Occupation:] Retired/ZZP, System Engineer/ Project Engineer
[Hobbies:] Technology ;-) with slight bias to Computers&Web, Meteo, PV-System, and as alternative Sports
[Choice for domoticz:] Simple and (cheap) solution for my domotics-requirements, yet capable. Open source, with active support.
[My role here:] User/ 'Experimenter&SystemBuilder'/ Contributor
[Equipment:] 1 x Raspberry Pi+RFXCom433 [communicating with the COCO-hardware + Meteo/PWS]+S0PCM, COCO-hardware: switches, Xtra sensors: BMP180+DS18B20.
Non-Domoticz-segment: several PCs, etc. @LAN. K8055-board for Windows-based domotics.

Update 2021:
Configuration grown to a collection of RPI_0W/1B/3A+/3B+, PCDuino and ESP8266s with multiple sensors.
For 433MHz_Comms using RFXCom+RFLinkGateway.
Last edited by Toulon7559 on Friday 16 April 2021 23:56, edited 6 times in total.
Set1 = RPI-Zero+RFXCom433+S0PCM+Shield for BMP180/DS18B20/RS485+DDS238-1ZNs
Set2 = RPI-3A++RFLinkGTW+ESP8266s+PWS_WS7000
Common = KAKUs+3*PVLogger+PWS_TFA_Nexus
plus series of 'satellites' for dedicated interfacing, monitoring & control.
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Joined: Tuesday 30 September 2014 8:49
Target OS: Linux
Domoticz version: beta
Location: The Netherlands

Re: Introduce yourself

Post by ThinkPad »

I see i haven't introduced myself here :mrgreen:

[Name:] Frank
[Country:] The Netherlands
[Occupation:] I'm 23, just started on the IT-market, graduated in February ("Business IT & Management")
[Hobbies:] Electronics, saving energy, gadgets, lifehacking, building scripts and stuff, Arduino, ESP8266, Synology, OpenWRT, Raspberry, getting familiar with Linux (Ubuntu, Debian) etc
[Choice for Domoticz:] It's free, possibilities are endless ("sky is the limit") and i like the community here
[My role here?] I like to help where possible, sharing my projects/scripts etc. And i'm a moderator, be nice or we'll meet :twisted: ;) And i maintain the wiki now and then.

I'm also very active on the Dutch IT-forum '' with the same nickname as on this forum.
And i have a (Dutch) blog there: about Domoticz, home automation, hardware hacks, energy saving and such.

Oh and i love ThinkPad laptops, that's where my nickname comes from :mrgreen: I had A21m, T40, T41, T42, T60, T61, T400, T410 and now X220. Ofcourse maxed-out RAM, fast SSD and such.
They even use them in space, on the International Space Station 8-)
I am not active on this forum anymore.
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Joined: Wednesday 05 August 2015 11:17
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version:

Re: Introduce yourself

Post by dfranco »

[Name:] Duarte
[Country:] Portugal
[City:] Lisbon
[Occupation:] System Administrator.
[Hobbies:] Computers, gadgets, scripting (synology, linux, windows and websites) and movies.
[Choice for domoticz:] Multi-protocol controller, adaptable, and expandable.
[My role here?] learn and help others
[Equipment:] Raspberry pi, Philips Hue, Arduino, Z-wave sensors
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Posts: 6
Joined: Sunday 02 August 2015 18:09
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: V4.9700
Location: France

Re: Introduce yourself

Post by Alomamabobo »

[Name:] Alomamabobo
[Country:] France
[City:] Montblanc
[Occupation:] IT System
[Hobbies:] Technology, Computers, Guitar.
[Platform:] Raspberry Pi
Raspbian & Domoticz on Raspberry Pi 2, Aion Z-Stick, RFXcom, ESPEasy.
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Joined: Friday 07 August 2015 16:38
Target OS: Linux
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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by hb020 »

[Name:] Hans
[Country:] France
[Occupation:] CTO and IT Solution architect, heavily involved in commercial IOT solutions
[Hobbies:] Technology, Travel
[Platform:] any

I like some of the ideas that can be found in Domoticz. Versatile but still small. It is somewhat rough on the edges, but stands out of the crowd.
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Target OS: Windows
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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by Francesco »

[Occupation:Application Administrator]
[Hobbies:What is not my hobby is probably easier]
[Choice for Domoticz:My KIKA controller broke down, so I was looking for something to replace it.]
[My role here? Consume knowledge]
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Joined: Tuesday 01 September 2015 9:10
Target OS: Windows
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Location: Houston

Re: Introduce yourself

Post by yobored »

[Name:] Dev
[Country:] US
[City:] Huston
[Occupation:] Developer
[Hobbies:] Computers, application development, Games
[Choice for domoticz:] I want to discuss about various topics related to applications here.
[My role here?]I want to share my knowledge on application development and marketing field and a learner to learn new techniques.
Posts: 17
Joined: Wednesday 26 August 2015 23:16
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2.2563
Location: Poland

Re: Introduce yourself

Post by scatman »

[Name:] scatman
[Country:] Poland
[Regio:] Silesia
[Occupation:] Own Road design office
[Hobbies:] Computers and technology in general, Football
[Choise for domoticz:] Because it's open source and I'm looking for what is cheap.
[Equipment:] Rpi2, RFXcom, Razberry Z-wave
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Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by koval33 »

Hi my name is Pawel
I live in Poland and I'm new in Raspberry Pi which I'm going to use to manage my house remotely.
So forgive me for a lame questions :D
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Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Re: Introduce yourself

Post by machal88 »

<b>[Name:]</b> Pawel
<b>[Country:]</b> Poland
<b>[City:]</b> Lodz
<b>[Occupation:]</b> Electricals
<b>[Hobbies:]</b> IT, football, games
<b>[Choice for Domoticz:]</b> Built my own house automation and add some features :)
<b>[My role here?]</b> Get knowlegde for building house automation and share it
Last edited by machal88 on Tuesday 15 September 2015 17:50, edited 2 times in total.
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Posts: 26
Joined: Tuesday 28 July 2015 12:01
Target OS: NAS (Synology & others)
Domoticz version: 2.3430
Location: Zoetermeer, The Netherlands

Re: Introduce yourself

Post by datzmazzie »

[Name:] Danny
[Country:] The Netherlands
[City:] Zoetermeer
[Occupation:] Application Developer
[Hobbies:] Gaming, Gadgets
[Choice for Domoticz:] Free, Open Source and Fun
[My role here?] Learn, Try and Help people
[Equipment]: Synology DS214play + RFLink
Raspberry Pi 3B, Arduino Mega, RFLink
My Blog
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Posts: 23
Joined: Friday 04 September 2015 22:34
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: beta
Location: Warsaw Poland

Re: Introduce yourself

Post by SQ9MDD »

[Name:] Rysiek
[Occupation:]freelancer at BMS systems
[Hobbies:]hamradio,home made electronics construction, IT stuff
[Choice for Domoticz:] Light system, easy to integrate... can be better with us... i like this stuff
[My role here?] Testing, testing, testing and testing, little sugestion, and more testing... and much more just ask.
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