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Post by Hansh »

Solis has decided to discontinue the site. I always used this site to retrieve my data for domoticz via an API. Now that this site is going to disappear, I had to look for another method to retrieve my desired data.
Solis has started a new site called soliscloud. You can also retrieve your data via this site via an API, but that is much more complicated. First you have to request a number of keys there, after you have these you have to encrypt them and only then can you execute the api.

Of course I'd rather be lazy than tired and I went looking for a solution on the internet. After a lot of searching I partially found it on github. at ZuinigeRijder/SolisCloud2PVOutput

He has made a script where you put your api keys in a config file and then that script retrieves the requested data and puts it in pvoutput.

So this script does exactly what I want, just puts it in the wrong place. Fortunately, the script was easy to modify so that the data is written to domoticz. I did this and let ZuinigeRijder know on a discussion at ZuinigeRijder/SolisCloud2PVOutput. So here you can find everything to get it working towards domoticz

ZuinigeRijdert driver has announced that he will incorporate these adjustments into his script

Highly recommended for anyone struggling with the same problem.
If there are any questions, let me know

Greetings HansH
All my texts are translated from Dutch to English by Google translate>
Sorry for weird sentence structure
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Re: soliscloud_to_domoticz

Post by Hansh »

To manage the log files that are created I have created a logrotate file. The purpose of this is to archive the log fole solis.log daily and keep it for a maximum of 7 days. For the file solis.crontab.log this is monthly with a month retention

To make the logrotate work you can do the following:
Create a file with the example below in it, replace the path to the log files with the correct path eg "/home/pi/solis/solis.log"
save this file with an appealing name but WITHOUT extension eg "solisrotate"

Copy this file to the dir /etc/logrotate.d.

Code: Select all

  sudo cp solisrotate /etc/logrotate.d
Then give the file the correct permissions with

Code: Select all

sudo chmod 644 /etc/logrotate.d/solisrotate
Do you want to do a test run without actual rotation?

Code: Select all

sudo logrotate -d -f /etc/logrotate.d/solisrotate
the content for the logrotate file

Code: Select all

/home/pi/solis/solis.log {
	su root root
	rotate 7
        create 777  root root

/home/pi/solis/solis.crontab.log {
	su root root
	rotate 1
        create 777  root root
All my texts are translated from Dutch to English by Google translate>
Sorry for weird sentence structure
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Re: soliscloud_to_domoticz

Post by palmerfarmer »

Hmm rying to find out why i'm getting this message in the solis.log any ideas?

SyntaxError: invalid syntax
File "/home/pi/solis/", line 60
def execute_request(url, data, headers,) -> str:
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Re: soliscloud_to_domoticz

Post by palmerfarmer »

false alarm, think it was a buster/ python problem, upgraded to bullseye and problem went way.

just another problem now
getting this message everytime the cron job runs

20230607 16:07:40: ERROR: ... tationList -> 403: Forbidden
20230607 16:08:41: ERROR: ... tationList -> 403: Forbidden
20230607 16:09:41: ERROR: ... tationList -> 502: Bad Gateway
20230607 16:10:41: ERROR: ... tationList -> 403: Forbidden

i asked and obtained an API id and secret code from solis a few weeks ago but only started using it yesterday, is it possble its been disabled?
still says current when i log into soliscloud though
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Re: soliscloud_to_domoticz

Post by palmerfarmer »

Raised a call with solis through the portal and they got back really fast, two things typo on my part there was x2 '//' in the script and they also reset the API ( i think)
Its all working now
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Re: soliscloud_to_domoticz

Post by Ragdag »

Which types of devices do you need to create in Domoticz?
I see these options

Code: Select all

domot_power_generated_id = 0
domot_ac_volt_id = 0
domot_inverter_temp_id = 0
domot_volt_id = 0
domot_solarpower_id = 0
domot_energygeneration_id = 0
domot_batterypower_id = 0
domot_gridpower_id = 0
domot_familyloadpower_id = 0
domot_homeconsumption_id = 0
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Re: soliscloud_to_domoticz

Post by tarmacalastair »


I've tried to get this working but the discussion here is very incomplete.

I've copied the gut repo to a directory named "solis", done the chmod +r+x on,entered my API details in the .cfg file and changed PVOutput to False and Domoticz to True. Do I need to comment out the API information for PVOutput?

Then I've tried running and it just hangs the terminal!

Can you tell me what to do next please?

Running Domoticz and Dashticz beta on Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit - has anyone had success with 64 bit?

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