The block turns on the relay between values ​​600 and 1500 and above 2000

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The block turns on the relay between values ​​600 and 1500 and above 2000

Post by Daro1003 »

Question: How to create a block so that the relay switches between given values, i.e.:

1. L1 greater than 600 and less than 1500 when charging photovoltaics above 2000

2. L2 greater than 600 and less than 1500 when charging photovoltaics above 2000

3. L2 greater than 600 and less than 1500 when charging photovoltaics above 2000

That is, only in the range of 600 - 1500 and above from photovoltaics 2000. So I constructed a block:
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Re: The block turns on the relay between values ​​600 and 1500 and above 2000

Post by willemd »

Your question is not clear. Are L1 and L2 your relays?
Your point 2 and 3 are exactly the same.
The end of your post is missing.
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