3 Phase Multimeter display problem

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3 Phase Multimeter display problem

Post by sperate »


Version: 2024.7 (build 16453)
Platform : RaspberryPi
Hardware : RFLINK v1.1 R50

I've noticed something I can't explain in the "comparing usage" chart of my electricity multimeter device.
The above example is on red days usage. The comparing usage chart value for december is different from the totals of all days cumulated usage of the same month. It shows 86.66 kWh instead of a cumulated total of about 42kWh. If I change the values in the database, the values in the comparing usage chart do not seem to show the changes.

Someone could explain that ?
Many thanks !

kwh rouge 2.png
kwh rouge 2.png (209.17 KiB) Viewed 97 times
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Re: 3 Phase Multimeter display problem

Post by waltervl »

No, dont mess with values in the database ;-)
Is the report page showing normal values?
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Re: 3 Phase Multimeter display problem

Post by sperate »

Yes, the report is showing normal values.
I had to mess with the database because sometimes I loose connection with the meter (serial RF link) and the values become corrupted.
I have the same problem with my rainsesor. When wrong data is received by Domoticz and after that the last data (the last value before the corrupted values) comes back, the data in the DB is messed up.
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