Zigbee2MQTT python plugin webpage doesn't load content Topic is solved

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Zigbee2MQTT python plugin webpage doesn't load content

Post by Doler »

The webpage of the Zigbee2MQTT python plugin does start but has stopped loading content (keeps displaying 'loading...'). The webpage functioned correctly in Domoticz version 2024.7 build 16381 but stopped working since I updated to version 2024.7 build 16450. Somewhere in between it's gone wrong but I have no idea what change caused this.
Help is very much appreciated.
Mark: Domoticz Beta on Raspberry Pi 4 running Debian Bookworm - Z-Stick 7 - RFXCom - P1 - MySensors - SolarEdge - Dahua - Philips Hue - Docker - Zigbee2mqtt (plugin) - Zwave-js-ui - dzVents - Nodered
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT python plugin webpage doesn't load content

Post by waltervl »

Could be that the page is using some deprecated Domoticz API calls. For these calls the backwards compatibility has been removed in latest beta. You should have had some deprecation warning messages in the old running environment logs.

Edit: Should be working on the latest version of the plugin. (updated 2 years ago already)/
Are you on the latest version (git pull)?

Perhaps also consider migrating to the build in MQTT AD Hardware gateway so you do not need the plugin. https://wiki.domoticz.com/Zigbee2MQTT#M ... toDiscover
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT python plugin webpage doesn't load content

Post by Doler »

I think you're right that removal of the depreciated API calls are the cause. In the absence of Stass I tried to find the call and repair it but couldn't find it (I'm not in Python) but I'll try again. And yes I have the latest version of the plugin.

The use of the MQTT AD gateway is not an option for me since some devices I have (scene switch like Xiaomi Opple WXCJKG12LM) don't comply with the gateway.

Thanks for pointing out the cause of the problem.
Mark: Domoticz Beta on Raspberry Pi 4 running Debian Bookworm - Z-Stick 7 - RFXCom - P1 - MySensors - SolarEdge - Dahua - Philips Hue - Docker - Zigbee2mqtt (plugin) - Zwave-js-ui - dzVents - Nodered
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT python plugin webpage doesn't load content

Post by waltervl »

Check if your frontend/zigbee2mqtt.js has the same content for the function refreshDomoticzDevices() as on the github repository. If not, update the plugin.

https://github.com/stas-demydiuk/domoti ... tt.js#L262
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT python plugin webpage doesn't load content

Post by Doler »

I compared the files and have seen the change and learned something from the code. I apparently missed the commit in December 2023 :(

A git pull and clear cache did the trick. Thanks
Mark: Domoticz Beta on Raspberry Pi 4 running Debian Bookworm - Z-Stick 7 - RFXCom - P1 - MySensors - SolarEdge - Dahua - Philips Hue - Docker - Zigbee2mqtt (plugin) - Zwave-js-ui - dzVents - Nodered
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