dzvents reset a timer with a switch for air filter swap
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- Ragdag
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dzvents reset a timer with a switch for air filter swap
We have mechanical ventilation, and I need to swap out the filters every 6 months.
So I'm looking for a dzvents script that would trigger a switch to be toggled to on.
The 6 month timer should start again after I set the switch to off again.
I'm not sure how and of this is possible in dzvents
So I'm looking for a dzvents script that would trigger a switch to be toggled to on.
The 6 month timer should start again after I set the switch to off again.
I'm not sure how and of this is possible in dzvents
- Ragdag
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Re: dzvents reset a timer with a switch for air filter swap
Just put this into, and I think this is a good starting point.
Code: Select all
-- Filter Change Reminder Script
return {
on = {
devices = {
'Filter_Change_Switch' -- Replace with your actual switch name
timer = {
'at 00:00' -- Check daily at midnight
data = {
lastReset = { initial = 0 }
execute = function(domoticz, device)
local filterSwitch = domoticz.devices('Filter_Change_Switch')
local currentTime = os.time()
local sixMonths = 180 * 24 * 60 * 60 -- 180 days in seconds
if device.isTimer then
-- Check if 6 months have passed since last reset
if (currentTime - >= sixMonths then
elseif device.state == 'Off' then
-- Reset timer when switch is turned off = currentTime
- Ragdag
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Re: dzvents reset a timer with a switch for air filter swap
If anybody is interested, I ended up with this.
Code: Select all
-- Filter Change Reminder Script
local scriptVar = 'WTW_Filter_Reset'
local WTWFilterResetidx = 4091
-- Configuration
local reminderDays = 180 -- Number of days before triggering the switch
local reminderSeconds = reminderDays * 24 * 60 * 60 -- Convert days to seconds
return {
on = {
devices = {
timer = {
'at 00:00' -- Check daily at midnight
logging = {
level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG,
marker = scriptVar
data = {
lastReset = { initial = 0 }
execute = function(domoticz, device)
domoticz.log('Script execution started', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
local filterSwitch = domoticz.devices(WTWFilterResetidx)
local currentTime = os.time()
if device.isTimer then
domoticz.log('Triggered by timer', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
domoticz.log('Triggered by device: ' .., domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
domoticz.log(string.format('Current time: %s','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', currentTime)), domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
domoticz.log(string.format('Last reset time: %s','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
if device.isTimer then
local timeElapsed = currentTime -
local timeRemaining = reminderSeconds - timeElapsed
local daysRemaining = math.floor(timeRemaining / (24 * 60 * 60))
domoticz.log(string.format('Time since last reset: %d seconds', timeElapsed), domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
domoticz.log(string.format('Time remaining: %d seconds', timeRemaining), domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
domoticz.log(string.format('Days remaining until next filter change: %d', daysRemaining), domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
if timeElapsed >= reminderSeconds then
domoticz.log(string.format('%d days elapsed - turning on filter change reminder switch', reminderDays), domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
domoticz.log('Time threshold not yet reached', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
elseif device.state == 'Off' then = currentTime
domoticz.log('Switch turned off - resetting timer', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
domoticz.log(string.format('New timer start time: %s','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', currentTime)), domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
domoticz.log('Script execution completed', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
- Ragdag
- Posts: 116
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Re: dzvents reset a timer with a switch for air filter swap
Just to update myself again for anybody that finds it useful, is pretty fluent in dzvents 
Domoticz WTW Filter Reset Script with Auto-Hiding and Pushover Notifications
The goal was to create a reminder system that would automatically notify when filters need replacement, while keeping the UI clean by hiding the device when not needed.
What the Script Does:
- Tracks when WTW filters need to be replaced (configurable, default 180 days)
- Automatically hides the device in normal operation using a $ prefix
- Makes the device visible and sends notifications when approaching replacement time
- Sends a warning notification 7 days before replacement is due
- When the replacement date is reached, makes the device visible and turns it ON
- After replacing filters and turning the switch OFF, resets the timer and hides the device again
Required Files:
The script requires two files:
1. The main script (WTW_Filter_Reset.lua)
2. A global_data.lua file for Pushover notifications
global_data.lua Configuration:
First, create or update your global_data.lua with this Pushover configuration:
Main Script Configuration:
Installation Steps:
1. Set up Pushover:
- Create a Pushover account at
- Create an application to get your APP token
- Get your USER key from your account
- Update global_data.lua with your keys
2. Create the device:
- Add a dummy switch in Domoticz
- Note its idx number
- Update the DEVICE_IDX in the script
3. Install the scripts:
- Place global_data.lua in your dzVents scripts folder
- Create WTW_Filter_Reset.lua with the main script
- Update CONFIG settings as needed
The script runs automatically and will:
1. Stay hidden during normal operation
2. Send a warning notification 7 days before replacement is due
3. Make the device visible and turn it ON when filters need replacement
4. Hide again after you replace filters and turn the switch OFF
Production Tips:
- Change CHECK_INTERVAL to 'at 00:00' for daily checks
- Adjust WARNING_THRESHOLD_DAYS based on your needs
- Consider adding more users to the Pushover notifications
- Test the script with shorter intervals initially, and check debug log
Note: Remember to replace the Pushover keys in global_data.lua with your actual Pushover tokens and keys before using the script.

Domoticz WTW Filter Reset Script with Auto-Hiding and Pushover Notifications
The goal was to create a reminder system that would automatically notify when filters need replacement, while keeping the UI clean by hiding the device when not needed.
What the Script Does:
- Tracks when WTW filters need to be replaced (configurable, default 180 days)
- Automatically hides the device in normal operation using a $ prefix
- Makes the device visible and sends notifications when approaching replacement time
- Sends a warning notification 7 days before replacement is due
- When the replacement date is reached, makes the device visible and turns it ON
- After replacing filters and turning the switch OFF, resets the timer and hides the device again
Required Files:
The script requires two files:
1. The main script (WTW_Filter_Reset.lua)
2. A global_data.lua file for Pushover notifications
global_data.lua Configuration:
First, create or update your global_data.lua with this Pushover configuration:
Code: Select all
return {
data = {},
helpers = {
-- User Keys - Replace with your Pushover user keys
USER1 = 'your_user_key_here',
USER2 = 'another_user_key_here',
FAMILY = 'family_group_key_here',
-- App Keys - Replace with your Pushover application tokens
APPS = {
HOME = 'your_app_token_here',
TEST = 'test_app_token_here',
DOMOTICZ = 'domoticz_app_token_here',
-- Priority levels (don't change these)
LOWEST = -2,
LOW = -1,
HIGH = 1,
-- Available notification sounds
PUSHOVER = 'pushover',
BIKE = 'bike',
BUGLE = 'bugle',
COSMIC = 'cosmic',
VIBRATE = 'vibrate',
NONE = 'none',
-- TTL presets in seconds
TTL = {
ONE_HOUR = 3600,
ONE_DAY = 86400,
ONE_WEEK = 604800,
-- Enhanced pushover function with TTL support
pushover = function(domoticz, scriptVar, PushoverUser, PushoverApp, title, message, priority, sound, ttl)
-- Input validation
assert(PushoverUser, 'PushoverUser is required')
assert(PushoverApp, 'PushoverApp is required')
assert(message, 'Message is required')
-- Use defaults if not provided
title = title or domoticz.helpers.PUSHOVER.DEFAULTS.TITLE
priority = priority or domoticz.helpers.PUSHOVER.DEFAULTS.PRIORITY
sound = sound or domoticz.helpers.PUSHOVER.DEFAULTS.SOUND
-- TTL validation when provided
if ttl then
assert(type(ttl) == 'number' and ttl > 0, 'TTL must be a positive number of seconds')
-- TTL is ignored for emergency priority
if priority == domoticz.helpers.PUSHOVER.PRIORITY.EMERGENCY then
domoticz.log('TTL is ignored for emergency priority messages', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
ttl = nil
-- Logging
'Sending Pushover notification - User: %s, App: %s, Title: %s, Sound: %s, TTL: %s',
PushoverUser, PushoverApp, title or 'No title',
sound or domoticz.helpers.PUSHOVER.DEFAULTS.SOUND, ttl or 'No TTL'
), domoticz.LOG_DEBUG
-- Prepare post data
local postData = {
token = PushoverApp,
user = PushoverUser,
message = message,
title = title or domoticz.helpers.PUSHOVER.DEFAULTS.TITLE,
priority = priority or domoticz.helpers.PUSHOVER.DEFAULTS.PRIORITY,
sound = sound or domoticz.helpers.PUSHOVER.DEFAULTS.SOUND,
-- Add TTL if specified
if ttl then
postData.ttl = ttl
-- Send notification
url = '',
method = 'POST',
postData = postData,
callback = function(response)
if response.isError then
'Failed to send Pushover notification: ' .., domoticz.LOG_ERROR
domoticz.log('Pushover notification sent successfully!', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
Code: Select all
local scriptVar = 'WTW_Filter_Reset'
-- Get global data for helpers
local GlobalData = require('global_data')
-- Configuration
local CONFIG = {
DEVICE_IDX = 4091,
VISIBLE_NAME = 'WTW Filter Reset',
HIDDEN_NAME = '$WTW Filter Reset', -- Using $ for proper hiding
CHECK_INTERVAL = 'at 00:00',
WARNING_THRESHOLD_DAYS = 7 -- Days before reminder to show warning
-- Calculate seconds from days
return {
on = {
devices = {
timer = {
logging = {
level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG,
marker = scriptVar
data = {
lastReset = { initial = 0 },
lastWarningDay = { initial = -1 }
execute = function(domoticz, item)
local function logDebug(message)
domoticz.log(message, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
local function logError(message)
domoticz.log(message, domoticz.LOG_ERROR)
local function formatDateTime(timestamp)
return'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', timestamp)
local function sendNotification(title, message, isHighPriority, ttlDays)
if GlobalData and GlobalData.helpers and GlobalData.helpers.pushover then
isHighPriority and GlobalData.helpers.PUSHOVER.PRIORITY.HIGH
or GlobalData.helpers.PUSHOVER.PRIORITY.LOW,
isHighPriority and GlobalData.helpers.PUSHOVER.SOUNDS.VIBRATE
or GlobalData.helpers.PUSHOVER.SOUNDS.NONE,
ttlDays and (ttlDays * 24 * 60 * 60) or GlobalData.helpers.PUSHOVER.TTL.ONE_DAY
logError('Global helpers not available for notifications')
isHighPriority and domoticz.PRIORITY_HIGH or domoticz.PRIORITY_LOW
local function isDeviceVisible(device)
local function updateDeviceVisibility(device, shouldBeVisible)
if not device then
logError('Cannot update visibility: device not found')
local currentlyVisible = isDeviceVisible(device)
local newName = shouldBeVisible and CONFIG.VISIBLE_NAME or CONFIG.HIDDEN_NAME
logDebug(string.format('Current device name: "%s"',
logDebug(string.format('Current visibility: %s', tostring(currentlyVisible)))
logDebug(string.format('Requested visibility: %s', tostring(shouldBeVisible)))
if currentlyVisible ~= shouldBeVisible then
logDebug(string.format('Renaming device to: "%s"', newName))
-- Base URL for Domoticz API
local baseUrl = ''
-- Use renamedevice command with full URL
local url = string.format('%s/json.htm?type=command¶m=renamedevice&idx=%d&name=%s',
logDebug('Attempting to rename using setused command: ' .. url)
url = url,
method = 'GET',
callback = function(response)
if response.status == 200 then
logDebug('Rename command sent successfully')
logError('Failed to send rename command: ' .. (response.statusText or 'unknown error'))
-- Log the rename attempt
logDebug(string.format('Rename command sent for device %d', CONFIG.DEVICE_IDX))
logDebug('Device already in correct visibility state')
-- Main execution starts here
logDebug('Script execution started')
local filterSwitch = domoticz.devices(CONFIG.DEVICE_IDX)
if not filterSwitch then
logError('Filter switch device not found')
local currentTime = os.time()
logDebug(string.format('Current time: %s', formatDateTime(currentTime)))
logDebug(string.format('Last reset time: %s', formatDateTime(
-- Handle manual reset (switch turned off)
if item.isDevice and item.state == 'Off' then
logDebug('Switch turned off - resetting timer') = currentTime = -1
logDebug(string.format('New timer start time: %s', formatDateTime(currentTime)))
updateDeviceVisibility(filterSwitch, false) -- Hide device when reset
-- Handle timer-based checks
elseif item.isTimer then
logDebug('Triggered by timer')
local timeElapsed = currentTime -
local timeRemaining = REMINDER_SECONDS - timeElapsed
local daysRemaining = math.floor(timeRemaining / (24 * 60 * 60))
logDebug(string.format('Days remaining until next filter change: %d', daysRemaining))
-- Time to replace filter
if timeElapsed >= REMINDER_SECONDS then
logDebug(string.format('%d days elapsed - activating filter change reminder', CONFIG.REMINDER_DAYS))
filterSwitch.switchOn() -- Turn switch on
updateDeviceVisibility(filterSwitch, true) -- Make visible
-- Only send notification if state just changed
if not isDeviceVisible(filterSwitch) then
'WTW filters moeten vervangen worden',
-- Approaching filter change date
elseif daysRemaining <= CONFIG.WARNING_THRESHOLD_DAYS then
logDebug(string.format('Approaching filter change date - %d days remaining', daysRemaining))
updateDeviceVisibility(filterSwitch, true) -- Make visible
-- Send warning notification only once for each remaining day
if daysRemaining ~= then
string.format('WTW filters moeten binnenkort vervangen worden (nog %d dagen)', daysRemaining),
) = daysRemaining
-- Normal operation
logDebug('Time threshold not yet reached')
updateDeviceVisibility(filterSwitch, false) -- Keep hidden = -1
logDebug('Script execution completed')
1. Set up Pushover:
- Create a Pushover account at
- Create an application to get your APP token
- Get your USER key from your account
- Update global_data.lua with your keys
2. Create the device:
- Add a dummy switch in Domoticz
- Note its idx number
- Update the DEVICE_IDX in the script
3. Install the scripts:
- Place global_data.lua in your dzVents scripts folder
- Create WTW_Filter_Reset.lua with the main script
- Update CONFIG settings as needed
The script runs automatically and will:
1. Stay hidden during normal operation
2. Send a warning notification 7 days before replacement is due
3. Make the device visible and turn it ON when filters need replacement
4. Hide again after you replace filters and turn the switch OFF
Production Tips:
- Change CHECK_INTERVAL to 'at 00:00' for daily checks
- Adjust WARNING_THRESHOLD_DAYS based on your needs
- Consider adding more users to the Pushover notifications
- Test the script with shorter intervals initially, and check debug log
Note: Remember to replace the Pushover keys in global_data.lua with your actual Pushover tokens and keys before using the script.
- waltervl
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Re: dzvents reset a timer with a switch for air filter swap
Why use your own global_data pushover notification function when dzvents notify() function also can send notifications to pushover with standard Domoticz pushover integration? ... g_Pushover ... nd_methods ... g_Pushover ... nd_methods
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
- Ragdag
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Re: dzvents reset a timer with a switch for air filter swap
The main reason is that it gives me more flexibility with Pushover.
I have many different Apps in Pushover for Domoticz, thinks like Alarms, House, Washing machine, Server, etc.
That way they all have their own icon, set TTL, etc
To my knowledge that is not possible with Domoticz notify()
I have many different Apps in Pushover for Domoticz, thinks like Alarms, House, Washing machine, Server, etc.
That way they all have their own icon, set TTL, etc
To my knowledge that is not possible with Domoticz notify()
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Re: dzvents reset a timer with a switch for air filter swap
WOW, so that is what does? So complicated. I use my phone agenda for this.
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
- Ragdag
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Re: dzvents reset a timer with a switch for air filter swap
Yeah, I was really surprised how well it is able to generate scripts for Domoticz. ChatGPT can do it but is not that good with it.
With you still need to understand dzvents to help it guide to the correct outcome but it is pretty good.
With you still need to understand dzvents to help it guide to the correct outcome but it is pretty good.
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Re: dzvents reset a timer with a switch for air filter swap
I don't understand why you don't make a simple note in your
to warn you to change filters which can be repeated every 6 months.
I'm using the Google option in domoticz for notifications and it works very well.
Did you discover the domoticz systeem alive checker?
It's a very handy tool.
I don't understand why you don't make a simple note in your
I'm using the Google option in domoticz for notifications and it works very well.
Did you discover the domoticz systeem alive checker?
It's a very handy tool.
Bugs bug me.
- Ragdag
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Re: dzvents reset a timer with a switch for air filter swap
That is how I did it before with just a calendar, just wanted to have it all in Domoticz and enjoyed figuring this outHvdW wrote: ↑Tuesday 04 February 2025 20:31 BTW
I don't understand why you don't make a simple note in yourto warn you to change filters which can be repeated every 6 months.
I'm using the Google option in domoticz for notifications and it works very well.
Did you discover the domoticz systeem alive checker?
It's a very handy tool.
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Re: dzvents reset a timer with a switch for air filter swap
I can imagine you do.
Same for me. Writing dzVents scripts is so much fun, even totaly unnecessary scripts.
I have CoPilot, Deep Seek and Claude to help me.
The first ones for the dumb programming, Claude for refinement and efficient programming.
I do agree that Claude is superior.
In addition: Claude respects our privacy and the other two don't. CoPilot reads your underlying EDGE tab.
Same for me. Writing dzVents scripts is so much fun, even totaly unnecessary scripts.
I have CoPilot, Deep Seek and Claude to help me.
The first ones for the dumb programming, Claude for refinement and efficient programming.
I do agree that Claude is superior.
In addition: Claude respects our privacy and the other two don't. CoPilot reads your underlying EDGE tab.
Bugs bug me.
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