Some issues with Z-wave sensor, 2

For Z-Wave related questions in Domoticz

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Some issues with Z-wave sensor, 2

Post by Droll »

First Issue.

Aeotec Ltd. MultiSensor 7 ZWA024
Got FW: v1.4.1 , Z-Wave JS says new is v1.6.7 [stable] is available but I can’t upgrade ?
Or other way to upgrade, newer is usually better?, and I got problems with the sensor looking up/slow at updating its values, issue motion, although might change this sensor anyway.
Is there any settings that might have somethig to do here?

Any suggestions, Z-wave, Zigbee, 433Mhz, just need motion/moisture, temp as optional.

• V1.4.2
• Resolves Watchdog error 85 found in V1.4.1
• Resolves issue with Parameter 203 where + values are double value for lux offset.
• V1.6.6
• Resolves an error where UV values do not update. (Adjusted calculation for better detection).
• V1.6.7
• Resolves issue where motion timeout happens earlier than expected based on retrigger (Parameter 2) when on USB power

Second issue

Qubino Smart Meter ZMNHTD FW: v80.1
Slow to (for me) updating the values (think it updates every 60s), maybe some setting?

Me. smarthouse= makes your life easier or save energy (money), but I known that the frigde uses 1,1W at the moment but peaks at 80W.
Haven't turned on the light outside, or the Xmas tree light in years... and Lua controls the hot water, based on the peak use at the moment.

Linux Ubunu 24.04
Domoticz Version: 2024.7 (build 16351)
Compile Date: 2024-12-03 12:41:33
dzVents Version: 3.1.8
Python Version: 3.12.3 (main, Nov 6 2024, 18:32:19) [GCC 13.2.0]
Z-wave and Zigbee

Arne Kjetil
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Re: Some issues with Z-wave sensor, 2

Post by waltervl »

For updating zwave-JS-Ui it depends how you have installed. Did you do it the preferred Docker way?
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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Re: Some issues with Z-wave sensor, 2

Post by Droll »

Yes, with a NEW usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102N_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller.
zwave-js-ui: 9.27.7.d3d7049
zwave-js: 14.3.6

Arne Kjetil
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Re: Some issues with Z-wave sensor, 2

Post by waltervl »

As these are zwave-JS-Ui specific questions it is perhaps better to search and discuss this on their forum
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
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