dummy device type "electricity usage" does not seem to calculate costs
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dummy device type "electricity usage" does not seem to calculate costs
dummy device type "electricity usage" does not seem to calculate costs, see legenda in screenhot below of fresh made device

- waltervl
- Posts: 5386
- Joined: Monday 28 January 2019 18:48
- Target OS: Linux
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Re: dummy device type "electricity usage" does not seem to calculate costs
That is correct as it does not measure kWh but only Watt.
It is by the way not advised to use this type of device as it also has no history. Better use the Electricity (instant and counter) sensor as indicated in the wiki
https://wiki.domoticz.com/Dummy_for_vir ... lectricity
It is by the way not advised to use this type of device as it also has no history. Better use the Electricity (instant and counter) sensor as indicated in the wiki
https://wiki.domoticz.com/Dummy_for_vir ... lectricity
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
Re: dummy device type "electricity usage" does not seem to calculate costs
thanks for the explanation Walter.
(my excuse: the advice to not use this device was not on on the dzVents wiki)
For this incidently user it is a bit overwelming and confusing.I was using you "Electricity (instant and counter) sensor" before, to monitor my airco that only reports current [amps]
A bit of topic is here my script to fill the "Electricity (instant and counter) sensor" Maybe you could be so kind to have a look?
the problem: it resulted in some negative values in the log for energy bars
(my excuse: the advice to not use this device was not on on the dzVents wiki)
For this incidently user it is a bit overwelming and confusing.I was using you "Electricity (instant and counter) sensor" before, to monitor my airco that only reports current [amps]
A bit of topic is here my script to fill the "Electricity (instant and counter) sensor" Maybe you could be so kind to have a look?
the problem: it resulted in some negative values in the log for energy bars
Code: Select all
return {
active = true,
logging = {
--level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG, -- comment to use the dzVents global logging setting
marker = 'dzOpenEvseKwh'
on = {
devices = {
'OpenEVSE - Amps'
data = {
vorigSec = { initial = 0 },
execute = function(dz, item, timer)
if dz.data.vorigSec > 0 then -- niet de eerste keer / data leeg?
secNu = os.time()
secVerstreken = secNu - dz.data.vorigSec
stroom= dz.devices('OpenEVSE - Amps').current
voltage = dz.devices('tuyaPlug2AircoOverloopVolt').voltage
vermogen= stroom * voltage --power [Watt]
energie=vermogen * secVerstreken/3600 -- energy [Wh]
dz.devices ('openEvseKwh').updateElectricity (vermogen, energie) --updateElectricity(power, energy): Function. Supports command options.
dz.log ('sec: '..secVerstreken, dz.LOG_INFO)
dz.log ('stroom: '..stroom, dz.LOG_INFO)
dz.log ('voltage: '..voltage, dz.LOG_INFO)
dz.log ('vermogen [Watt]: '..vermogen, dz.LOG_INFO)
dz.log ('energie [kWh]: '..energie, dz.LOG_INFO)
dz.log ('geen realistische tijdwaarde / eerste keer? ', dz.LOG_INFO)
dz.data.vorigSec = secNu
Re: dummy device type "electricity usage" does not seem to calculate costs
to answer my own post: problem solved, you need to pass TOTAL Wh, not delta Wh
correct script to convert Amps to power:
correct script to convert Amps to power:
Code: Select all
return {
active = true,
logging = {
level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG, -- comment to use the dzVents global logging setting
marker = 'dzMitsubishiAircoKwh'
on = {
devices = {
'MitsubishiAircoControl current power'
data = {
vorigSec = { initial = 0 },
execute = function(dz, item, timer)
if dz.data.vorigSec > 0 then -- niet de eerste keer / data leeg?
secNu = os.time()
secVerstreken = secNu - dz.data.vorigSec
stroom= dz.devices('MitsubishiAircoControl current power').current
voltage = dz.devices('tuyaPlug2AircoOverloopVolt').voltage --better than 230 solid value
vermogen= stroom * voltage --power [W]
oudeEnergie = dz.devices('mitsubishiAircoKwh').WhTotal
energie=vermogen * secVerstreken/3600 --[Wh]
dz.devices ('mitsubishiAircoKwh').updateElectricity (vermogen, energie + oudeEnergie) --updateElectricity(power, energy): Function. Supports command options.
--dz.devices ('mitsubishiAircoKwh').updateEnergy(vermogen) --updateEnergy(energy): Function. In Watt.
dz.log ('sec: '..secVerstreken, dz.LOG_INFO)
dz.log ('stroom: '..stroom, dz.LOG_INFO)
dz.log ('voltage: '..voltage, dz.LOG_INFO)
dz.log ('vermogen [Watt]: '..vermogen, dz.LOG_INFO)
dz.log ('oudeEnergie [Wh]: '..oudeEnergie, dz.LOG_INFO)
dz.log ('energie [Wh]: '..energie, dz.LOG_INFO)
dz.log ('geen realistische tijdwaarde / eerste keer? ', dz.LOG_INFO)
dz.data.vorigSec = secNu
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