which counter type for euro? <-- daily energy costs

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which counter type for euro? <-- daily energy costs

Post by renerene »

Monitoring my gas and electricity prices with dynamic contract is not as easy as I thought. I have my dzVent script ready. Goal is to monitor as exactly as possible with hourly kWh price and daily gas price.

Choosing the right dummy sensor is confusing. Options are
- counter (type RFXmeter?),
- managed counter
- counter incremental
- custom sensor

Three view are import:
- Log, preferable with a bar diagram, auto filled, monthly view with daily totals
- device widget: the big font top right, preferable as daily total
- device widget: the small font above "last seen" = (last added value?)

updating the sensor is done with .updateCounter method?

Code: Select all

dz.devices('stroomKosten').updateCounter (deltaStroom*kwhPrijs)
Any recommandations?

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Re: which counter type for euro? <-- daily energy costs

Post by waltervl »

What is not easy? If you have a custom sensor with the current gas tariff in euro/m3 you can have domoticz calculate it with the Dynamic price calculations settings in menu Setup -Settings, tab Counters https://wiki.domoticz.com/Application_S ... alculation
In the counter logs graphs and the reports the prices will be calculated for you. Also in the Energy Dashboard: https://wiki.domoticz.com/Energy_dashboard

The custom sensor can be updated from a script or if you live in the Netherlands you can use the Enever integration to automatically have the up to date gas tariff. https://wiki.domoticz.com/Enever
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Re: which counter type for euro? <-- daily energy costs

Post by renerene »

thanks Wallter, you are right, there is a new feature, which I am still trying to understand.
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