MQTT autodiscovery of fan and swing Topic is solved

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MQTT autodiscovery of fan and swing

Post by Syndomo »

I've got a Faikin module to control a Daikin airco. It's connected via MQTT to Domoticz. All works fine except that no fan or swing devices are created by the Domoticz autodiscovery (MQTT Auto Discovery Client Gateway with LAN interface).

The MQTT config message looks OK. Based on this message several devices are created: temperature, setpoint, preset (eco-boost-home), and mode (heat-cool-etc). But no fan or swing device - though the message seems to contain the required information.

Full message:

Code: Select all

This is the fan part of the message:

Code: Select all

and this is the swing part:

Code: Select all

What could be the cause ?

Whilst we're at it: I've been searching through the MQTTAutoDiscover.cpp code. There's probably two LOG_ERROR messages for the swing discovery that have been copied over from the fan discovery code where the word fan should be replaced by swing. It concerns lines 3495 and 3543. Not that I get those errors, I just thought I'd signal it.
Reading through the code I can't see why no fan or swing are created in my configuration - but then I'm all but a C++ expert.
Last edited by Syndomo on Tuesday 07 January 2025 19:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MQTT autodiscovery of fan and swing

Post by waltervl »

Better make a GitHub issue if you have MQTT AD issues and follow the instructions in
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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Re: MQTT autodiscovery of fan and swing

Post by waltervl »

Additional: also check this issue
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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Re: MQTT autodiscovery of fan and swing

Post by Syndomo »

Raspberry Pi 4 4GB - Bookworm - Domoticz v2024.7
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