updaterelease 2024.7 failing due to binary unavailable

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updaterelease 2024.7 failing due to binary unavailable

Post by joostvanderlinde »

I finaly found the time to update my RaspberryPi armv7l Domoticz 2024.4 version (to 2024.7 I expected)
The updaterelease script fails however.
Turns out that an empty domoticz_release.tgz is downloaded.
When I check https://github.com/domoticz/domoticz/releases/ there only seems to be an x86 64bit binary, the binary i'd require is not there . . .
Of course I could try to compile myself, but as that is a lengthy process on my old RaspberryPi I' d rather avoid that.

As a work-around, can I get the latest stable binary for my machine fro somewhere else?
Or can anyone share it with me?
Domoticz on BPI-M2-Pro (compiled on Ubuntu 22.04) and RPI (binary on Raspian 10)
RFXCom, Sonoff Zigbee stick, eBusd Adapter 5, P1, S0, Husdata H60 integration
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Re: updaterelease 2024.7 failing due to binary unavailable

Post by joostvanderlinde »

OK, I just found the download section on the website https://www.domoticz.com/downloads/ (stangely the wiki does not refer to that page, I only found it becasue it was mentioned in another forum topic. . .)

Took the file from there and installed. One happy camper running 2024.7 now
But I guess something needs to be fixed to get the updaterelease script working again.
Domoticz on BPI-M2-Pro (compiled on Ubuntu 22.04) and RPI (binary on Raspian 10)
RFXCom, Sonoff Zigbee stick, eBusd Adapter 5, P1, S0, Husdata H60 integration
Zigbee2MQTT AD, MQTT local, AirconWithMe, Ebusd, VolvoRecharge, PSA Car Controller
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