Log/ history of virtual alert sensor

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Log/ history of virtual alert sensor

Post by John »

Version: 2024.7
Platform: Raspbian

I made a virtual alert sensor which shows when my doorbell is pressed using rfxcom - nodered - mqtt.

The sensor shows when de doorbell is pressed, but there is no history in the log.

Is there a way to solve this, or is there anonther way to display the history of alerts?
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Re: Log/ history of virtual alert sensor

Post by Stepdes »


I also have a doorbell via rfxcom, mine keeps a log in domoticz.
Why you using node red and mqtt for this?
You could link an action or send a notification from within the domoticz doorbell switch.

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Re: Log/ history of virtual alert sensor

Post by zicht »


You wrote in the title you use an alert sensor. (Ignore this message if this a false observation)

Alert sensor can be a bit tricky as you need to set the triangle color to ánd its a text sensor...
see : https://wiki.domoticz.com/Domoticz_API/ ... ert_sensor
the best way in lua is by setting : commandArray[#commandArray + 1]={['UpdateDevice']='IDX'..'|'..Alevel..'|'..textvalue
(Note on this that ON/OFF is a binary state and not a text value)

If your set an alert sensor by an on/off doorbell device it probably wont work as it is it cannot handle this.
In lua you can receive the signal from the on/off doorbell and set (with lua) the alert sensor as you wish with the above statement.
Hope this helps.....

As for notifications : test if it works on another sensor as expected and try to find the differences, maybe its not about the doorbel but about the general notification settings ?
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