Oh, it's a time based script.
Anyway I've provided the script below :
Code: Select all
function round(num, numDecimalPlaces)
local mult = 10^(numDecimalPlaces or 0)
return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
function findDevID(name)
return otherdevices_idx[name] or false
-- 1: External Temperature Sensor
-- 2: 4 new custom DUMMY sensors named GDM 50, GDD 50, GDM 32 and GDD 32. Can be changed if you use Celcius.
-- 3: Unpassworded access for localhost (IP
commandArray = {}
local MaxTemp = 90-- If over this temp, set to this temp
local MinTemp50 = 50-- Turn on GDD50 at this temp
local MinTemp32 = 32-- Turn on GDD32 at this temp
local UserTempScale = "F" --Input variables, are they Celcius (C) or Fahrenheit (F)?
local ODThrmtrNm = 'Outside Temperature' --Thermometer name in Domoticz
local gdm50 = "GDM 50" -- Name of growing degree minutes over 50F custom DUMMY sensor in Domoticz
local gdd50 = "GDD 50" -- Name of growing degree days over 50F custom DUMMY sensor in Domoticz
local gdm32 = "GDM 32" -- Name of growing degree minutes over 32F custom DUMMY sensor in Domoticz
local gdd32 = "GDD 32" -- Name of growing degree days over 32F custom DUMMY sensor in Domoticz
local rstmnt = 1 --the number of the month we reset on. Usually Jan (1) or Jul (7)
local Temp = tonumber(otherdevices[ODThrmtrNm])
local stop1 = string.find(Temp,";")
if(stop1 ~= nil) then --If your sensor does more than Temp
Temp = tonumber(string.sub(Temp,0,stop1-1))
Temp = tonumber(Temp)
if (UserTempScale == "F") then
Temp = round(Temp*(9/5)+32,2)
Temp = round(Temp,2)
local s1 = otherdevices_lastupdate[gdm32]
local year1 = string.sub(s1, 1, 4)
local tR = os.time{year=os.date("%Y"), month=rstmnt, day=1, hour=0, min=0, sec=0}
if (Temp >= MinTemp50) then
if (Temp >= MaxTemp) then
Temp = MaxTemp
--new code in case the script doesn't fire every minute
local month1 = string.sub(s1, 6, 7)
local day1 = string.sub(s1, 9, 10)
local hour1 = string.sub(s1, 12, 13)
local minutes1 = string.sub(s1, 15, 16)
local seconds1 = string.sub(s1, 18, 19)
local s2 = otherdevices_lastupdate[gdm50]
local year2 = string.sub(s2, 1, 4)
local month2 = string.sub(s2, 6, 7)
local day2 = string.sub(s2, 9, 10)
local hour2 = string.sub(s2, 12, 13)
local minutes2 = string.sub(s2, 15, 16)
local seconds2 = string.sub(s2, 18, 19)
local t0 = os.time()
local t1 = os.time{year=year1, month=month1, day=day1, hour=hour1, min=minutes1, sec=seconds1}
local t2 = os.time{year=year2, month=month2, day=day2, hour=hour2, min=minutes2, sec=seconds2}
local delta1 = (t0-t1)/60
local delta2 = (t0-t2)/60
if (delta1 > 1440) then
if (delta2 > 1440) then
print(tostring(delta1) .. ", " .. tostring(delta2))
table.insert (commandArray, { ['UpdateDevice'] = findDevID(gdm50) .. '|2|' .. tostring(tonumber(otherdevices[gdm50])+(Temp-MinTemp50)*delta2)})
table.insert (commandArray, { ['UpdateDevice'] = findDevID(gdm32) .. '|2|' .. tostring(tonumber(otherdevices[gdm32])+(Temp-MinTemp32)*delta1)})
table.insert (commandArray, { ['UpdateDevice'] = findDevID(gdd50) .. '|2|' .. tostring((tonumber(otherdevices[gdm50])+(Temp-MinTemp50)*delta2)/1440)})
table.insert (commandArray, { ['UpdateDevice'] = findDevID(gdd32) .. '|2|' .. tostring((tonumber(otherdevices[gdm32])+(Temp-MinTemp32)*delta1)/1440)})
elseif (Temp >= MinTemp32) then
if (Temp >= MaxTemp) then
Temp = MaxTemp
--new code in case the script doesn't fire every minute
local month1 = string.sub(s1, 6, 7)
local day1 = string.sub(s1, 9, 10)
local hour1 = string.sub(s1, 12, 13)
local minutes1 = string.sub(s1, 15, 16)
local seconds1 = string.sub(s1, 18, 19)
local t0 = os.time()
local t1 = os.time{year=year1, month=month1, day=day1, hour=hour1, min=minutes1, sec=seconds1}
local delta1 = (t0-t1)/60
if (delta1 > 1440) then
table.insert (commandArray, { ['UpdateDevice'] = findDevID(gdm32) .. '|2|' .. tostring(tonumber(otherdevices[gdm32])+(Temp-MinTemp32)*delta1)})
table.insert (commandArray, { ['UpdateDevice'] = findDevID(gdd32) .. '|2|' .. tostring((tonumber(otherdevices[gdm32])+(Temp-MinTemp32)*delta1)/1440)})
if (os.time()-tR <= 300) then--less than five mins after the reset month? then reset!
table.insert (commandArray, { ['UpdateDevice'] = findDevID(gdm50) .. '|2|0'})
table.insert (commandArray, { ['UpdateDevice'] = findDevID(gdm32) .. '|2|0'})
table.insert (commandArray, { ['UpdateDevice'] = findDevID(gdd50) .. '|2|0'})
table.insert (commandArray, { ['UpdateDevice'] = findDevID(gdd32) .. '|2|0'})
return commandArray