Smoke detectors as air quality sensors!

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Smoke detectors as air quality sensors!

Post by pjsgsy »

Hi - I have a couple of Xioami smoke detectors working for a long time. I recently got some Ikea air quality sensors as well.

It occurred to me today after some sort of issue and poking around the smoke detector sensor logs, that the smoke detectors are actually reporting particle counts to Domoticz! I could use these as air quality sensors!

My one issue - The data is clearly going into Domoticz, but the default smoke sensor created by the Xioami plugin is just a switch. I'm not sure if this extra data is just dumped. If that is the case, I was wondering if it was possible to create a virtual sensor to log this and someone get this data to that sensor (I've done the latter before with data from various sources, but not sure HOW I can get this data).

Here is the log line from the Domoticz log

2024-12-28 18:08:17.894 Status: XiaomiGateway: {"cmd":"report","model":"smoke","sid":"158d0001db8bcd","short_id":57386,"data":"{\"density\":\"12\"}"}

Is there any way to get hold of that 'density' value? (that's the particle count) If so, I can just create said virtual sensor and push that value there on each update, then I will have some extra air quality sensors :)

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Re: Smoke detectors as air quality sensors!

Post by gizmocuz »

I assume you are using Zigbee2MQTT? Is there not a config object created for the density?
If not, you can create on yourself, but it seems odd that zigbee2mqtt does not create one.
Did you had a look in the devices tab if you see one?
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Re: Smoke detectors as air quality sensors!

Post by pjsgsy »

Thanks for the reply. I am using the standard built in Xiaomi plugin rather than Zigbee2MQTT and it appears it does not create a value for this. Definately no devices created for them by the plugin other than the on/off switch/arlarm status. I have already separated out some of my Xiaomi sensors from the original hub to a Conbee II, so I guess I should check and see if the smoke detectors would be supported on that. Perhaps that would give me the values. Been a bit hesitant to fiddle with them before due to the nature of them! Conbee/Deconz has not been 100% reliable for me. I'd not thought about connecting them directly to the Conbee though, so I will go read up and see if they are a supported device. Cheers for sparking the idea!
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Re: Smoke detectors as air quality sensors!

Post by gizmocuz »

Okey, so better use Zigbee2MQTT instead of all other middlewares... It's a winner ;)
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Re: Smoke detectors as air quality sensors!

Post by pjsgsy »

Thanks. I'll look into that.
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Re: Smoke detectors as air quality sensors!

Post by FireWizard »


Have a look at:

You cannot get or set the density.

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Re: Smoke detectors as air quality sensors!

Post by pjsgsy »

Hmmm. Shame. Thanks, though. It saved me some time mucking around. Read a bit on the Deconz forums too. Seems this device kinda works, but not fully supported yet (or does not support all attributes).
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