HOWTO set level for Ikea blinds

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HOWTO set level for Ikea blinds

Post by wizjos »

Dear all,

I've been struggeling for a number of days trying to get my Ikea Praktlysing blinds to work with Domoticz in such a way that I can set the exact level of open/closed per script (tried Blockly, LUA and dzVents).
Thus far no luck. I can get them to move, but not to the level indicated. Goes to infinity and beyond so to say...

Odd thing is however that the command 'http://<IPADDRESS>:8084/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=683&switchcmd=Set%20Level&level=5' works perfectly! Blind go to 5% shut with this command and stop there.

Can someone please point out how I can achieve this via a script?


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