Domoticz not mapping value from ZWAVE JS UI MQTT

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Domoticz not mapping value from ZWAVE JS UI MQTT

Post by dthompson »

I've looked everywhere on the forum and can't find an answer to how to resolve this issue. Anyhow, here's my problem.

Domoticz 2024.7
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1
Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm

I have (2) Honeywell T6 Pro TH6320ZW zwave thermostats. Pretty much everything is working well since moving to the latest version of Domoticz and updating to the new ZWAVE JS UI MQTT broker configuration. The one issue i have is reading the thermostats actual status whether it's heating or cooling (actual status from thermostat). The mode did map correctly so that i can command the mode (off, heat, cool, auto, dry, fan only). But it didn't map the actual operating status of the thermostat ( idle, heating, cooling, fan)

On the ZWAVE JS UI Control Panel, i can see the under the ZWAVE Node the thermostat is updating the actual status:
Screenshot 2024-12-26 141318.png
Screenshot 2024-12-26 141318.png (52.49 KiB) Viewed 191 times
Also, using the MQTT Explorer, i can see the state listed:
Screenshot 2024-12-26 141508.png
Screenshot 2024-12-26 141508.png (43.33 KiB) Viewed 191 times
And, i can see where there is a climate value listed under homeassistant which lists a ton of info most of which mapped:
Screenshot 2024-12-26 141802.png
Screenshot 2024-12-26 141802.png (46.26 KiB) Viewed 191 times
In looking at the Value for the climate config in MQTT Explorer, i see the action topic and action template that i need:

{"min_temp":5,"max_temp":40,"temp_step":0.5,"modes":["off","heat","cool","auto","dry","fan_only"],"mode_state_template":"{{ {0: \"off\", 1: \"heat\", 2: \"cool\", 3: \"auto\", 11: \"dry\", 12: \"fan_only\"}[value_json.value] | default('off') }}","current_temperature_topic":"zwave/2nd_Floor_Thermostat/49/0/Air_temperature","current_temperature_template":"{{ value_json.value }}","temperature_state_topic":"zwave/2nd_Floor_Thermostat/67/0/setpoint/1","temperature_state_template":"{{ value_json.value }}","temperature_command_topic":"zwave/2nd_Floor_Thermostat/67/0/setpoint/1/set","mode_state_topic":"zwave/2nd_Floor_Thermostat/64/0/mode","mode_command_topic":"zwave/2nd_Floor_Thermostat/64/0/mode/set","action_topic":"zwave/2nd_Floor_Thermostat/66/0/state","action_template":"{{ {0: \"idle\", 1: \"heating\", 2: \"cooling\", 3: \"fan\", 4: \"idle\", 5: \"idle\", 6: \"fan\", 7: \"heating\", 8: \"heating\", 9: \"cooling\", 10: \"heating\", 11: \"heating\"}[value_json.value] | default('idle') }}","temperature_unit":"F","precision":0.1,"device":{"identifiers":["zwavejs2mqtt_0xeafd03e6_node5"],"manufacturer":"Honeywell","model":"T6 Pro Z-Wave Programmable Thermostat (TH6320ZW)","name":"2nd Floor Thermostat","sw_version":"1.3"},"availability":[{"payload_available":"true","payload_not_available":"false","topic":"zwave/2nd_Floor_Thermostat/status","value_template":"{{'true' if value_json.value else 'false'}}"},{"topic":"zwave/_CLIENTS/ZWAVE_GATEWAY-zwave-js-ui/status","value_template":"{{'online' if value_json.value else 'offline'}}"},{"payload_available":"true","payload_not_available":"false","topic":"zwave/driver/status"}],"availability_mode":"all","name":"2nd Floor Thermostat_climate","unique_id":"zwavejs2mqtt_0xeafd03e6_Node5_climate"}

Interestingly, Domoticz extracted the Temp, Humidity, setpoint and Thermostat Modes from this list. But, it didn't extract the status (or 'action topic') from the list.

My question/problem is how to get that value extracted from the climate bundle so that i can track when my AC unit is actually cooling or heating or idle?

Thank you for any help!!!
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