Easee Charge Lite Wallbox Plugin?

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Easee Charge Lite Wallbox Plugin?

Post by nieass4 »

Hi there,

I am about to install an Easee Charge Lite 11kw wallbox.
Was wondering if anyone else got one and is using any plugin to get data into Domoticz.

Did a quick search and only found a "work in progress" plugin on GitHub which was last updated 3 years ago.

I am not that into scripting myself, so hope someone has already made or can make a plugin for it.

I am kinda only interested to get the kWh measurements into Domoticz. No need for me to control the unit itself.

Just found another one in "beta"
Anyone else using it? I will try once wallbox is installed.
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Re: Easee Charge Lite Wallbox Plugin?

Post by FireWizard »

Hi, @nieass4,

To get the data of my Easee Charger (Easee Home), I use Node-RED with the contrib node:
https://flows.nodered.org/node/@runnane ... trib-easee.

As you will receive almost everything, I filter the desired data and send it by MQTT to Domoticz.
For documentation, see: https://developer.easee.com/docs/integrations

see picture below:

Screenshot_Easee Charge.png
Screenshot_Easee Charge.png (54.55 KiB) Viewed 1044 times
If you are a little bit familiar with Node-RED, I can share my flow

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Re: Easee Charge Lite Wallbox Plugin?

Post by waltervl »

You could also use MQTT and https://github.com/Fr00t/easee2mqtt
Then use the mqttmapper plugin to map the easee mqtt topics with Domoticz devices. viewtopic.php?t=39279
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Re: Easee Charge Lite Wallbox Plugin?

Post by nieass4 »

What is the best option and most easy of those 2 options?

I didnt use Node-red and MQTT so far ..

In addition I still have to move my Zwave to MQTT so have to use it anyway in the future.
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Re: Easee Charge Lite Wallbox Plugin?

Post by FireWizard »

Hello @nieass4,
What is the best option
Sorry to say, there is no "best option".
The best options is that one, that gives you the desired result and that you make feel comfortable.
What for you "the best" is, might be for others "the worst".
and most easy of those 2 options?
Again, that is difficult to say.

It depends on your knowledge.
I use a lot of Node-RED, together with MQTT. So for me that is quite easy, while I'm not familiar with MQTTmapper.
And I'm not a big fan of all those Python scripts either, but that is my opinion.

For both options you need MQTT, so your choice will be probably Mosquitto.
So read their documentation.

If you need ZWaveJS-UI for your Zwave devices in the future, you will need MQTT anyhow.

Last edited by FireWizard on Saturday 21 September 2024 0:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Easee Charge Lite Wallbox Plugin?

Post by nieass4 »

FireWizard wrote: Friday 20 September 2024 17:01 Hello @nieass4,
What is the best option
Sorry to say, there is no "best option".
The best options is that one, that gives you the desired result an that you make feel comfortable.
What for you "the best" is, might for others "the worst".
and most easy of those 2 options?
Again, that is difficult to say.

It depends on your knowledge.
I use a lot of Node-RED, together with MQTT. So for me that is quite easy, while I'm not familiar with MQTTmapper.
And I'm not a big fan of all those Python scripts either, but that is my opinion.

For both options you nee MQTT, so your choice will be probably Mosquitto.
So read their documentation

If you need ZWaveJS-UI for your Zwave devices in the future, you will need MQTT anyhow.

For me it seems like alot of work todo to get some information from Easee.

- I need Docker (or fine to use without Docker?)
- I need Mosquito for MQTT
- I need node red

All new things for me.

For me as a noobie those python scripts are awesome, just install and it works :roll:
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Re: Easee Charge Lite Wallbox Plugin?

Post by nieass4 »

FireWizard wrote: Friday 20 September 2024 17:01 Hello @nieass4,
What is the best option
Sorry to say, there is no "best option".
The best options is that one, that gives you the desired result and that you make feel comfortable.
What for you "the best" is, might be for others "the worst".
and most easy of those 2 options?
Again, that is difficult to say.

It depends on your knowledge.
I use a lot of Node-RED, together with MQTT. So for me that is quite easy, while I'm not familiar with MQTTmapper.
And I'm not a big fan of all those Python scripts either, but that is my opinion.

For both options you need MQTT, so your choice will be probably Mosquitto.
So read their documentation.

If you need ZWaveJS-UI for your Zwave devices in the future, you will need MQTT anyhow.

I succeeded getting Node-Red up and running with your flow, installed Mosquitto and made some dummies in domoticz.
I noted those idx in Node-Red flow but my car is fully charged now so will give an update when I need to recharge again.

Or is there a way to test it out without charging? I think with the debugging mode?

Both ''MQTT Domoticz in' and ''To Domoticz'' say they are connected (noted in the flow)'
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Re: Easee Charge Lite Wallbox Plugin?

Post by FireWizard »

Hallo nieass4

I just send you a PM with examples on how to send data from NR to Domoticz.

You asked:
Or is there a way to test it out without charging? I think with the debugging mode?
No, the Easee node does not give you that possibility. to simulate charging.
Both ''MQTT Domoticz in' and ''To Domoticz'' say they are connected (noted in the flow)'
If they show "connected", that means they communicate with the Mosquitto broker (server).
A valuable tool to check, what is going on, is: http://mqtt-explorer.com/

Let me know,

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Re: Easee Charge Lite Wallbox Plugin?

Post by domolek »

@Firewizard: Could you DM me your NR flows also?
I am trying to get the Easee charger data into Domoticz, but the only thing I found and got (sort of) working is the example NR flow by runnane; see: zie: https://flows.nodered.org/node/@runnane ... trib-easee.

But I cannot find the right data out of it (it streams a bunch of data) to have it report the power used at charging my EV into Domo.
I have quite some NR flows sending data into Domo (via mqtt); only the EV charger is a puzzle to me at present.
Last edited by domolek on Wednesday 25 December 2024 13:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Easee Charge Lite Wallbox Plugin?

Post by FireWizard »

I will do that probably, tomorrow.

Best Regards
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