MQTT help

For devices supporting the Auto Discovery feature. Like ZWaveJS2MQTT, Zigbee2MQTT.

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MQTT help

Post by dino »

Hello everyone!
I am new to MQTT protocol, have some questions, is it correct to set:
"Publish Topic:" to "Name"
"Topic In Prefix:" to "casa/+"
"Topic Out Prefix:" to "casa" ?

I have configured in that way to have, for example, the switch named "salotto" controllable writing

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mosquitto_pub -h $IP -m '{ "idx" : 1, "nvalue" : 1 }' -t 'casa/salotto'
and when I switch the switch in domoticz I have:

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casa/salotto {
        "Battery" : 255,
        "LastUpdate" : "2024-12-22 23:24:36",
        "RSSI" : 12,
        "description" : "",
        "dtype" : "Light/Switch",
        "hwid" : "3",
        "id" : "00014051",
        "idx" : 1,
        "name" : "salotto",
        "nvalue" : 0,
        "org_hwid" : "3",
        "stype" : "Switch",
        "svalue1" : "0",
        "switchType" : "On/Off",
        "unit" : 1
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Re: MQTT help

Post by waltervl »

Topic In Prefix should also be "casa"

What is the issue you have? Does it not work?
Also better to check with an application like MQTT Explorer what is going on on the MQTT server/broker.
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Re: MQTT help

Post by dino »

If I set

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"Topic In Prefix:" to "casa"
domoticz do not receive the messages sended to casa/salotto
but if i add the "/+" the message will received.

Please can someone explain to me the MQTT protocol? or indicate where I can found the infos

The devices need always tho threads? one for read and one for write? Is incorrect use the same thread to read and write values?

Thank you
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Re: MQTT help

Post by FireWizard »

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