Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Dashticz, alternative dashboard based on HTML, CSS, jQuery

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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Lokonli »

gaber wrote: Friday 15 October 2021 13:34
Lokonli wrote: Thursday 14 October 2021 19:58
gaber wrote: Tuesday 12 October 2021 7:41 Hi all,

is it possible to enlarge the font/title in the dial switches?

I can't see the image. Can you repost it?
Sure i can.


Code: Select all

  .dial .device {
      font-size: 30px
dial_switch.jpg (11.53 KiB) Viewed 2304 times
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by gaber »

Code: Select all

  .dial .device {
      font-size: 30px
Thank you!

Works! :)
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by JuanUil »

Hi all,

I have this dial which is a selectorswitch in Domoticz.

This is how I configured it:

Code: Select all

blocks['Beregenen'] = {
	type: 'dial',
	idx: 1320,
	title: 'Sproeien',
	subtype: 'Text',
	last_update: false,
This is what I get:


I want to display the title and I want to center the different possibilities and enlarge the font.

Tried a lot of things in custom.css nothing works.
Could anybody please help me with a direction on how to format a selector dial?
In read the docs i didn't get any wiser :(
should i use .dial .value or .dialmenu tried everything with no result.

please help.

tnx in advance
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Lokonli »

Displaying the title is not possible at the moment for selector switches. Centering and font size are described a few posts above.

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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by JuanUil »

Hi Lokonli,

thnx for your reply.
I have tried now in custom.css:

Code: Select all

.sproei {
    font-size: 600% !important;
    color: blue !important;

Code: Select all

.sproei .data{
    font-size: 600% !important;
    color: blue !important;
both with no luck :roll:
getting a bit desperate
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Lokonli »

JuanUil wrote: Wednesday 20 October 2021 11:28 Hi Lokonli,

thnx for your reply.
I have tried now in custom.css:

Code: Select all

.sproei {
    font-size: 600% !important;
    color: blue !important;

Code: Select all

.sproei .data{
    font-size: 600% !important;
    color: blue !important;
both with no luck :roll:
getting a bit desperate
First try the following in custom.css:

Code: Select all

/*to vertical center the dial menu*/

  .dial-menu .status {
      justify-content: center;
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;

  .dial-menu .status li {
      margin: unset

/*to change the font of the dial menu text*/

.dial-menu .status li {
    font-size: 75%
If this is working you can limit the scope to '.sproei' as follows:

Code: Select all

/*to vertical center the dial menu*/

  .sproei .dial-menu .status {
      justify-content: center;
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;

  .sproei .dial-menu .status li {
      margin: unset

/*to change the font of the dial menu text*/

.sproei .dial-menu .status li {
    font-size: 75%
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by JuanUil »

Hi Lokonli,

Thnx for your advice!!
Works like charm.

Your mind is like a parachute,
It only works when it is opened!

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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by darrepac »

I have some issues with DIAL and power counter:

Domoticz screen:
2021-11-01 21_32_55-Domoticz.png
2021-11-01 21_32_55-Domoticz.png (10.86 KiB) Viewed 2211 times
Dashticz results:
2021-11-01 21_32_40-Dashticz.png
2021-11-01 21_32_40-Dashticz.png (78.08 KiB) Viewed 2211 times
Consommation = Linky
Maison W = Conso Maison

=> in Dashticz:
Linky: I have negative value instead of positive in Domoticz, and I don't have the current consumption in Dashticz (610W)

Code: Select all

blocks['Linky'] = {
    idx: 34,
    title: 'Linky',
    type: 'dial',
    width: 6,
    min: -10,
    max: 10,
    showring: true,
    showunit: true,
    shownumbers: true,
    last_update: false
JSON output:

Code: Select all

	"ActTime" : 1635799147,
	"AstrTwilightEnd" : "19:05",
	"AstrTwilightStart" : "05:37",
	"CivTwilightEnd" : "17:56",
	"CivTwilightStart" : "06:46",
	"DayLength" : "10:08",
	"NautTwilightEnd" : "18:31",
	"NautTwilightStart" : "06:12",
	"ServerTime" : "2021-11-01 21:39:07",
	"SunAtSouth" : "12:21",
	"Sunrise" : "07:17",
	"Sunset" : "17:25",
	"app_version" : "2021.1",
	"result" : 
			"AddjMulti" : 1.0,
			"AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
			"AddjValue" : 0.0,
			"AddjValue2" : 0.0,
			"BatteryLevel" : 255,
			"Counter" : "17278.993",
			"CounterDeliv" : "0.000",
			"CounterDelivToday" : "0.000 kWh",
			"CounterToday" : "10.986 kWh",
			"CustomImage" : 0,
			"Data" : "17278993;0;0;0;630;0",
			"Description" : "",
			"Favorite" : 1,
			"HardwareDisabled" : false,
			"HardwareID" : 4,
			"HardwareName" : "TeleInfo",
			"HardwareType" : "Teleinfo EDF",
			"HardwareTypeVal" : 19,
			"HaveTimeout" : false,
			"ID" : "0001",
			"LastUpdate" : "2021-11-01 21:39:04",
			"Name" : "Consommation",
			"Notifications" : "false",
			"PlanID" : "0",
			"PlanIDs" : 
			"Protected" : false,
			"ShowNotifications" : true,
			"SignalLevel" : "-",
			"SubType" : "Energy",
			"SwitchTypeVal" : 0,
			"Timers" : "false",
			"Type" : "P1 Smart Meter",
			"TypeImg" : "counter",
			"Unit" : 1,
			"Usage" : "630 Watt",
			"UsageDeliv" : "0 Watt",
			"Used" : 1,
			"XOffset" : "0",
			"YOffset" : "0",
			"idx" : "34"
	"status" : "OK",
	"title" : "Devices"
Conso Maison: in Dashticz I don't have the current consumption (435.31W) and the daily consumption is false (!) (11106 vs 5571)


Code: Select all

blocks['Conso Maison'] = {
    idx: 188,
    title: 'Conso Maison',
    type: 'dial',
    width: 6,
    min: -10,
    max: 10,
    showring: true,
    showunit: true,
    shownumbers: true,
    last_update: false
JSON output:

Code: Select all

	"ActTime" : 1635799317,
	"AstrTwilightEnd" : "19:05",
	"AstrTwilightStart" : "05:37",
	"CivTwilightEnd" : "17:56",
	"CivTwilightStart" : "06:46",
	"DayLength" : "10:08",
	"NautTwilightEnd" : "18:31",
	"NautTwilightStart" : "06:12",
	"ServerTime" : "2021-11-01 21:41:57",
	"SunAtSouth" : "12:21",
	"Sunrise" : "07:17",
	"Sunset" : "17:25",
	"app_version" : "2021.1",
	"result" : 
			"AddjMulti" : 1.0,
			"AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
			"AddjValue" : 0.0,
			"AddjValue2" : 0.0,
			"BatteryLevel" : 255,
			"CounterToday" : "11.178 kWh",
			"CustomImage" : 0,
			"Data" : "5571.052 kWh",
			"Description" : "",
			"EnergyMeterMode" : "1",
			"Favorite" : 1,
			"HardwareDisabled" : false,
			"HardwareID" : 12,
			"HardwareName" : "ShellyMQTT",
			"HardwareType" : "Shelly MQTT",
			"HardwareTypeVal" : 94,
			"HaveTimeout" : false,
			"ID" : "shellyem-C7F472-0-energy",
			"LastUpdate" : "2021-11-01 21:41:40",
			"Name" : "Maison W",
			"Notifications" : "false",
			"PlanID" : "0",
			"PlanIDs" : 
			"Protected" : false,
			"ShowNotifications" : true,
			"SignalLevel" : "-",
			"SubType" : "kWh",
			"SwitchTypeVal" : 0,
			"Timers" : "false",
			"Type" : "General",
			"TypeImg" : "current",
			"Unit" : 11,
			"Usage" : "494.69 Watt",
			"Used" : 1,
			"XOffset" : "0",
			"YOffset" : "0",
			"idx" : "188"
	"status" : "OK",
	"title" : "Devices"
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Lokonli »

darrepac wrote: Monday 01 November 2021 21:42
=> in Dashticz:
Linky: I have negative value instead of positive in Domoticz, and I don't have the current consumption in Dashticz (610W)
The default P1 Smart Meter dial will by default show the -1*'Nett Counter Today' as big value in the middle.
Below that as smaller values CounterDelivToday and CounterToday are shown as positive values.

so what you see is indeed by design.

If you want to show other values, you have to create a custom dial. See the following link for an example:
https://dashticz.readthedocs.io/en/mast ... mart-meter

Instead of the Datax fields, you can also use the other predefined P1 smart meter data fields:
Usage (=Actual power entering your house)
UsageDeliv (=Actual power leaving your house)
NettUsage (=Usage - UsageDeliv)

CounterToday (=Energy entered your house today)
CounterDelivToday (=Energy left your house today)
NettCounterToday (=CounterToday - CounterDelivToday)

Counter (=Total counter of energy that entered your house)
CounterDeliv (=Total counter of energy that left your house)
NettCounter (=Counter - CounterDeliv)

All parameter names are case sensitive.
darrepac wrote: Monday 01 November 2021 21:42 Conso Maison: in Dashticz I don't have the current consumption (435.31W) and the daily consumption is false (!) (11106 vs 5571)
Conso Maison is not a P1 Smart Meter, but a energy device.
By default the dial of the energy device will show the Data value. This is the total counter. So the result you see is also by design.

If you want to only show the CounterToday as main value in the middle, try the following block definition:

Code: Select all

blocks['Conso Maison'] = {
    idx: 188,
    type: 'dial',
    values: [
        value: 'CounterToday',
        addClass: 'primary',
        decimals: 1,
        unit: 'kWh',
        isNeedle: true
    min: -10,
    max: 10,
    splitdial:true,  //0 in the top
    shownumbers: true,
    showvalue: false //to hide the total counter (=default main value)
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by darrepac »

Many thanks it helped a lot
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Musje »


I don't know if it is asked before, but is it posibble to create a dial for a RGB switch?
And then I perfer a dial than functions as a dimmer with a possibilty to change the color.
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Krenstik »

Also I had one idea - DIAL with sunset and sunrise?

It can show the length of the day :-)

Text value inside a dial and coloured part between a sunset and sun rise :)

Just as an idea :-)
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by HansieNL »

@Krenstik I Added your idea as new issue at GitHub:
Blah blah blah
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by heggink »

Hey Sander,

QQ: I built myself a home battery and would like to display some values including the battery percentage. I have a %% device in domoticz called Battery SOC (state of Charge) that I would like to display. I am probably a bit thick trying to find an appropriate representation in dashticz. Could you give me a hint as to how I could do that?



Edit: NVM, just added a device. Would be nice to have like a battery indicator of sorts tho ;-)
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Lokonli »

heggink wrote:Hey Sander,

QQ: I built myself a home battery and would like to display some values including the battery percentage. I have a %% device in domoticz called Battery SOC (state of Charge) that I would like to display. I am probably a bit thick trying to find an appropriate representation in dashticz. Could you give me a hint as to how I could do that?



Edit: NVM, just added a device. Would be nice to have like a battery indicator of sorts tho ;-)
I would just use a Dial for that, between 0 and 100%

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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Beschuitje »

I'm having a strange issue with my dials.
Just started using them but the have a smaller grey box in the background

dial.png (37.44 KiB) Viewed 460 times
Understand that since v3.7.3 beta this is removed
Update 26-1
Some styling updates:
removed the square background of a dial
Improved dial sizing
Improved height of popup block

Code: Select all

.dt_content .dial {
    	background: none;

in CSS doesn't work

When i check in Chrome i get

dial2.png (89.4 KiB) Viewed 460 times
What am i doing wrong?
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Lokonli »

Which Dashticz version are you using? Can you switch to latest Dashticz version?
Do you make use of custom.css? Please post it here so I can check.
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Beschuitje »

Using the latest master version, 3.13
To be on the safe side i downloaded this version again and copied dial.js with WinSCP to replace excisting one, no difference.
I even replaced the entire JS folder, no difference

Browsers also make no difference, Chrome incognito gives the same as does Edge.


Code: Select all

/* graphs */

/* Weather */
.big .weatherdegrees,
.big .weatherloc {
display: inline-block;
margin-top: -2px;
margin-left: 24px; /* move text to the right */
font-size: 30px;
font weight: bold;

div[data-id='empty'] {
visibility: hidden;

div[data-id='buien'] {
border-radius: 14px; /* Rounded corners */

.skyconsmall {
display: block;
width: 75px;
font-size: 15px;

/* sunrise */
.sunriseholder .wi{
font-size:20px !important;

.transbg.col-xs-12 {
border: 7px solid rgba(255,255,255,0);
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
background-clip: padding-box;
border-radius: 0px; /* Rounded corners */

[data-id='mygarbage'].garbage img {max-width: 50px !important;}

.selectedbutton {
font-size:12px !important;

.dial_content {
background-clip: none;

.dial-center {
height: 68%!important;width: 68%!important;

div.mh.titlegroups {
height: 50px !important;
padding-top: 3px !important;
background: rgba(0,0,0,0);

font-size: 12px !important;

.alarmrow a {
color: white;

.alarmrow strong{
display: inline-block;

.swiper-pagination-bullet {background: #FFFFFF; width: 10px; height: 10px; float:middle; position:relative; left:35px;}
when i load the CUSTUM_BACKUP css i get the same only with a slightly bigger square background and the round corners

dial.png (79.3 KiB) Viewed 388 times
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Lokonli »

Beschuitje wrote: Tuesday 24 December 2024 16:23 Using the latest master version, 3.13
To be on the safe side i downloaded this version again and copied dial.js with WinSCP to replace excisting one, no difference.
I even replaced the entire JS folder, no difference

Browsers also make no difference, Chrome incognito gives the same as does Edge.


Code: Select all

/* graphs */

/* Weather */
.big .weatherdegrees,
.big .weatherloc {
display: inline-block;
margin-top: -2px;
margin-left: 24px; /* move text to the right */
font-size: 30px;
font weight: bold;

div[data-id='empty'] {
visibility: hidden;

div[data-id='buien'] {
border-radius: 14px; /* Rounded corners */

.skyconsmall {
display: block;
width: 75px;
font-size: 15px;

/* sunrise */
.sunriseholder .wi{
font-size:20px !important;

.transbg.col-xs-12 {
border: 7px solid rgba(255,255,255,0);
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
background-clip: padding-box;
border-radius: 0px; /* Rounded corners */

[data-id='mygarbage'].garbage img {max-width: 50px !important;}

.selectedbutton {
font-size:12px !important;

.dial_content {
background-clip: none;

.dial-center {
height: 68%!important;width: 68%!important;

div.mh.titlegroups {
height: 50px !important;
padding-top: 3px !important;
background: rgba(0,0,0,0);

font-size: 12px !important;

.alarmrow a {
color: white;

.alarmrow strong{
display: inline-block;

.swiper-pagination-bullet {background: #FFFFFF; width: 10px; height: 10px; float:middle; position:relative; left:35px;}
when i load the CUSTUM_BACKUP css i get the same only with a slightly bigger square background and the round corners

It's caused by this line from your custom.css:

Code: Select all

background: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
Consider to remove it.
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Re: Dashticz Dial - Features, Fixes & Updates

Post by Beschuitje »

Yup of course missing the obvious, that did it.

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