Popp TRV 010101 resets itself to 20°C after a few seconds

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Popp TRV 010101 resets itself to 20°C after a few seconds

Post by breversa »

Version: Domoticz 2024.7
Platform: Raspberry Pi
Plugin/Hardware: Popp (formerly Danfoss) Z-Wave Thermostat Radiator Valves model 010101


This is my first post here, and I’m not even sure if that’s the best place, as my issue looks hardware-related, not Domoticz-related.

I have 3 Popp/Danfoss Z-Wave Thermostat Radiator Valves (TRV) model 010101 (see https://popp.eu/products/wireless-thermostatic-valve/) that I’ve been using for a few years :
- paired with an AEON Labs Z‐Stick Gen5 USB Controller
- plugged into a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
- running Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
- running zwave-js-ui: + zwave-js: 12.4.1
- running Domoticz 2024.7

Since September 2024, one of these TRV has stopped working properly: whatever setpoint I set, and whatever the means (through Domoticz or physically on the device itself), it resets itself back to 20°C after a few seconds.

I’ve tried :
- changing the batteries
- factory resetting the devices
- re-pairing it with the Z-Stick

Nothing had any effect.

I’m thinking of replacing the device, but not before throwing a message in a bottle here. :-)
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Re: Popp TRV 010101 resets itself to 20°C after a few seconds

Post by waltervl »

I moved the topic to the Zwave sub forum.
The only other possibility I could think of is some script that is (re)setting the setpoint.

Is there any difference in setting the setpoint from Domoticz or Zwave-JS-UI? You could check with Mqtt explorer if the temperature is set from Domoticz or from Zwave-JS-UI. And then you have to find out what the real source is of the setpoint resetting is.
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Re: Popp TRV 010101 resets itself to 20°C after a few seconds

Post by breversa »

Hello and thanks for your suggestions.

As I said, what troubles me the most is that changing the setpoint on the device itself (= by using its physical buttons) yields the same result, so I’d imagine that Zwave-JS-UI/Domoticz are downhill from the issue source.

I’ve contacted Popp about it ; I will let you know if I get a useful reply. :-)
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Re: Popp TRV 010101 resets itself to 20°C after a few seconds

Post by waltervl »

If some script from Domoticz is setting the temperature at 20 degree it will also do that when set manually on the device itself.

But if you are unaware of such a script it probably is an hardware issue.
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Re: Popp TRV 010101 resets itself to 20°C after a few seconds

Post by breversa »

I’ve contacted Popp support who advised me to exclude the problematic TRV node from its Z-Wave network controller.

After I did, the TRV stopped resetting to 20°C.

I included it back, and everything seems to be fine again. :-)
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