Xiaomi, Ikea TRÅDFRI, Philips Hue and more.
Moderator: leecollings
Posts: 40 Joined: Saturday 13 July 2013 8:00
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: Beta
Location: Sweden
by JBN » Saturday 30 November 2024 10:51
I have been using Z4D with Sonoff-E dongle since summer and everything has been working ok. But on Thursday night the controller started to not turn on and off lamps (which doesn't impress the wife) so I tried some stuff, reverting back to an older Z4D plugin version, I installed the plugin and keept the database, and also tried to start with a new plugin, swapped port for the dongle etc. Nothing made me get back communication with the devices.
Well, I ended up moving the dongle to my dev-PI and re-initialized the controller to get back communication and that worked. Now I can re-pair the devices. However now I get this error "Error: Z4D: There are alreday Widget(s) associated for this objet". For outlets that doesn't matter (more than I need to do some manual labor removing, re-adding and then setup rooms, scenes etc etc but as long as it works it's fine). But for some of the temperature sensors I had hoped to keep the data (without the hassle of exporting data and then import it again)
Shouldn't that work? Ie keep the widgets in Domoticz, recreate the Zigbee-network and than re-pair and then replace the old widget with the new?
Spoiler: show Time: "30/11/2024 10:38:37"
PermitToJoin: Object {"Duration":240,"Starttime":1732959418}
PluginHealth: "Enrollment in Progress"
Thread: "MainThread 64375"
nwkid: "None"
Module: "Pairing"
message: "There are alreday Widget(s) associated for this objet {'Version': '3', 'ZDeviceName': '', 'Status': '8043', 'SQN': '20', 'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'0001': 5, '0004': 'LUMI', '0005': 'lumi.weather'}, '0003': {}, '0402': {'0000': 22.5}, '0403': {'0000': 1018, '0014': 255, '0010': 1018.0}, '0405': {'0000': 47.8}, 'ffff': {}, 'Type': 'Temp/Humi/Baro', '0001': {'0000': 2975}}}, 'Heartbeat': '15', 'RIA': '0', 'LQI': 164, 'Battery': 56, 'Model': 'lumi.weather', 'ForceAckCommands': [], 'MacCapa': '80', 'IEEE': '00158d0006b25ff9', 'Type': '', 'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0302', 'App Version': 5, 'Attributes List': {}, 'DeviceType': 'RFD', 'HW Version': '', 'Last Cmds': [], 'LogicalType': 'End Device', 'Manufacturer': '1037', 'Manufacturer Name': 'LUMI', 'NbEp': '1', 'PowerSource': 'Battery', 'ReadAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 1732959453, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {'0005': '00', '0001': '00', 'ff01': '00', '0004': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}, '0402': {'TimeStamp': 1732959494, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {'0000': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}, '0405': {'TimeStamp': 1732959494, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {'0000': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}, '0403': {'TimeStamp': 1732959494, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {'0000': '00', '0014': '00', '0010': '00'}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'ReceiveOnIdle': 'Off', 'Stack Version': '', 'Stamp': {'time': 1732959494.77573, 'Time': '2024-11-30 10:38:14', 'MsgType': '8102', 'LastSeen': 1732959433}, 'ZCL Version': '', 'Health': 'Live', 'Capability': ['Reduced-Function Device', 'Standard security', 'NwkAddr should be allocated'], 'ZDPSQN': '02', 'ErrorManagement': 0, 'RSSI': -58, 'RollingRSSI': [-58, -58, -58, -58, -58, -58, -57, -58, -58, -58], 'RollingLQI': [168, 168, 168, 168, 168, 168, 172, 168, 168, 168, 164], 'ConfigSource': 'DeviceConf', 'WriteAttributes': {'Ep': {'01': {'0000': {'TimeStamp': 0, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}, '0003': {'TimeStamp': 0, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}, '0402': {'TimeStamp': 0, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}, '0403': {'TimeStamp': 0, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}, '0405': {'TimeStamp': 0, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}, 'ffff': {'TimeStamp': 0, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}, '0001': {'TimeStamp': 0, 'iSQN': {}, 'Attributes': {}, 'ZigateRequest': {}}}}}, 'LUMI': {'RSSI dB': -33, 'LQI': '0100', 'BatteryVoltage': 2975}, 'BatteryUpdateTime': 1732959434, '_rawNodeDescriptor': '103700640064000000807f4002', 'Max Buffer Size': '7f', 'Max Rx': '0064', 'Max Tx': '0064', 'macapa': '80', 'bitfield': '4002', 'server_mask': '0000', 'descriptor_capability': '00', 'Epv2': {'01': {'ProfileID': '0104', 'ZDeviceID': '0302', 'ClusterIn': {'0000': {}, '0003': {}, 'ffff': {}, '0402': {}, '0403': {}, '0405': {}}, 'ClusterOut': {'0000': {}, '0004': {}, 'ffff': {}}}}, 'ReqEpv2': {'01': 1732959435.8082066}, 'PairingInProgress': True, 'ZDeviceVersion': '0001'} in Domoticz"
context: Object {"StackTrace":" File \"/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/plugin.py\", line 1604, in onHeartbeat\n _plugin.onHeartbeat()\n File \"/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/plugin.py\", line 908, in onHeartbeat\n processListOfDevices(self, Devices)\n File \"/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/heartbeat.py\", line 999, in processListOfDevices\n processNotinDBDevices(self, Devices, NwkId, status, RIA)\n File \"/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/pairingProcess.py\", line 127, in processNotinDBDevices\n interview_state_createDB(self, Devices, NWKID, RIA, status)\n File \"/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Modules/pairingProcess.py\", line 345, in interview_state_createDB\n self.log.logging(\"Pairing\", \"Error\", \"There are alreday Widget(s) associated for this objet %s in Domoticz\" % str(self.ListOfDevices[NWKID]) )\n"}
LastLog: 44
StartTime: "29/11/2024 23:31:36"
FirmwareVersion: " build 297"
FirmwareMajorVersion: "98"
Posts: 36 Joined: Thursday 12 February 2015 22:59
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2024.7
by Knight » Saturday 30 November 2024 12:24
I had some problem with keep data from devices in z4d. I even try to move it to a dummy and then move it back to the new device but it didint work.... i got an error so i gave up. I hope ju can find a way
Posts: 40 Joined: Saturday 13 July 2013 8:00
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: Beta
Location: Sweden
by JBN » Saturday 30 November 2024 16:00
Hmm, I got the same type of error again after a restart of Domoticz.
Update: This time a reboot solved it, it seems.
Spoiler: show 2024-11-30 15:58:32.826 Z4D: Worker thread started.
2024-11-30 15:58:32.826 Status: Z4D: Started.
2024-11-30 15:58:32.826 Status: Z4D: Entering work loop.
2024-11-30 15:58:33.500 Status: Z4D: Initialized version 7.1, author 'pipiche38'
2024-11-30 15:58:33.502 Status: Z4D: Welcome to Zigbee for Domoticz (Z4D) plugin.
2024-11-30 15:58:33.502 Status: Z4D: Z4D requires python3.9 or above and you are running 3.11
2024-11-30 15:58:33.503 Z4D: Z4D loading PluginConf
2024-11-30 15:58:33.503 Z4D: Loading PluginConf - from Domoticz sqlite Db
2024-11-30 15:58:33.503 Z4D: /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Conf/PluginConf-24.json timestamp is 1732964427.6096914
2024-11-30 15:58:33.503 Z4D: Dz PluginConf is older than Json Dz: 0 Json: 1732964427.6096914
2024-11-30 15:58:33.504 Status: Z4D: PluginAnalytics set to 1
2024-11-30 15:58:33.504 Status: Z4D: autoServeOTA set to 1
2024-11-30 15:58:33.504 Status: Z4D: channel set to 11
2024-11-30 15:58:33.504 Status: Z4D: filename set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Conf/PluginConf-24.json
2024-11-30 15:58:33.504 Status: Z4D: pluginHome set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee
2024-11-30 15:58:33.504 Status: Z4D: homedirectory set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee
2024-11-30 15:58:33.504 Status: Z4D: pluginData set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Data
2024-11-30 15:58:33.504 Status: Z4D: pluginConfig set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Conf
2024-11-30 15:58:33.504 Status: Z4D: pluginOTAFirmware set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/OTAFirmware
2024-11-30 15:58:33.504 Status: Z4D: pluginReports set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Reports
2024-11-30 15:58:33.504 Status: Z4D: pluginWWW set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/www
2024-11-30 15:58:33.504 Status: Z4D: pluginLogs set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Logs
2024-11-30 15:58:33.504 Status: Z4D: SSLCertificate set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/certs/server.crt
2024-11-30 15:58:33.504 Status: Z4D: SSLPrivateKey set to /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/certs/server.key
2024-11-30 15:58:33.504 Status: Z4D: ControllerInRawMode set to True
2024-11-30 15:58:33.504 Status: Z4D: expJsonDatabase set to 0
2024-11-30 15:58:33.504 Status: Z4D: ControllerInRawMode set to True
2024-11-30 15:58:33.766 Status: Z4D: Checking Python modules /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/constraints.txt
2024-11-30 15:58:33.767 Status: Z4D: - zigpy==0.72.0 version required 0.72.0 installed 0.72.0
2024-11-30 15:58:33.767 Status: Z4D: - zigpy_znp==0.13.1 version required 0.13.1 installed 0.13.1
2024-11-30 15:58:33.768 Status: Z4D: - zigpy_deconz==0.24.1 version required 0.24.1 installed 0.24.1
2024-11-30 15:58:33.768 Status: Z4D: - bellows==0.42.0 version required 0.42.0 installed 0.42.0
2024-11-30 15:58:33.769 Status: Z4D: - dnspython==2.6.1 version required 2.6.1 installed 2.6.1
2024-11-30 15:58:33.769 Status: Z4D: - pyserial>=3.5 version required 3.5 installed 3.5
2024-11-30 15:58:33.770 Status: Z4D: - charset-normalizer==2.0.11 version required 2.0.11 installed 2.0.11
2024-11-30 15:58:33.770 Status: Z4D: - jsonschema==4.17.3 version required 4.17.3 installed 4.17.3
2024-11-30 15:58:33.771 Status: Z4D: - cryptography<=40.0.2 version required 40.0.2 installed 40.0.2
2024-11-30 15:58:33.771 Z4D: Installing plugin custom page /home/pi/domoticz/www/templates/Z4D.html
2024-11-30 15:58:33.771 Z4D: start_logging_thread
2024-11-30 15:58:33.771 Z4D: logging_thread - listening
2024-11-30 15:58:33.771 Status: Z4D: Please watch plugin log into /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Logs/PluginZigbee_24.log
2024-11-30 15:58:33.773 Status: Z4D: Z4D starting with stable7-7.1.014
2024-11-30 15:58:33.776 Status: Z4D: Z4D loads ZCL Cluster definitions
2024-11-30 15:58:33.781 Status: Z4D: Z4D loaded 16 configuration from legacy database.
2024-11-30 15:58:33.782 Status: Z4D: Z4D loads 16 configuration from the local certified Db.
2024-11-30 15:58:33.819 Status: Z4D: Z4D loads 603 Certified devices from repository.
2024-11-30 15:58:33.819 Status: Z4D: Z4D loading database
2024-11-30 15:58:33.860 Status: Z4D: Z4D loads 16 entries from /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee/Data/DeviceList-24.txt
2024-11-30 15:58:33.865 Status: Z4D: Z4D configured to use transport mode: ZigpyEZSP
2024-11-30 15:58:34.358 Status: Z4D: Z4D starting EZSP
2024-11-30 15:58:34.358 Status: Z4D: Z4D starts WebUI
2024-11-30 15:58:34.364 Status: Z4D: WebUI thread started
2024-11-30 15:58:34.365 Status: Z4D: WebUI Server started on
2024-11-30 15:58:34.373 Status: Z4D: Plugin looks to upgrade the Certified Device package
2024-11-30 15:58:35.654 Status: Z4D: Z4D Widgets usage is at 9.8% (230 units free)
2024-11-30 15:58:35.770 Status: Z4D: ++ Started radio ezsp port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Itead_Sonoff_Zigbee_3.0_USB_Dongle_Plus_V2_2ada84a2618cee11b74dfc018acbdcd8-if00-port0
2024-11-30 15:58:35.770 Status: Z4D: ++ Use of Zigpy Persistent Db
2024-11-30 15:58:35.885 Status: Z4D: Z4D started with legacy Framework
2024-11-30 15:58:40.825 Error: Z4D: Error at startup
2024-11-30 15:58:40.827 Status: Z4D: ++ Network settings
2024-11-30 15:58:40.828 Status: Z4D: ++ Device IEEE : ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
2024-11-30 15:58:40.828 Status: Z4D: ++ Device NWK : 0xFFFE
2024-11-30 15:58:40.828 Status: Z4D: ++ Network Update Id : 0x0000
2024-11-30 15:58:40.828 Status: Z4D: ++ PAN ID : 0xFFFE
2024-11-30 15:58:40.828 Status: Z4D: ++ Extended PAN ID : ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
2024-11-30 15:58:40.828 Status: Z4D: ++ Channel : 0
2024-11-30 15:58:40.830 Error: Z4D: Coordinator not correctly initialized
2024-11-30 15:59:44.074 Error: Z4D: [ 70] I have hard time to get Coordinator Version. Most likely there is a communication issue
2024-11-30 15:59:54.087 Error: Z4D: [ 80] I have hard time to get Coordinator Version. Most likely there is a communication issue
2024-11-30 16:00:04.055 Error: Z4D: [ 90] I have hard time to get Coordinator Version. Most likely there is a communication issue
2024-11-30 16:00:14.070 Error: Z4D: [100] I have hard time to get Coordinator Version. Most likely there is a communication issue
Posts: 1994 Joined: Monday 02 April 2018 20:33
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: beta
Location: France
by pipiche » Saturday 30 November 2024 18:35
This looks has a communication error.
2024-11-30 15:58:40.827 Status: Z4D: ++ Network settings
2024-11-30 15:58:40.828 Status: Z4D: ++ Device IEEE : ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
2024-11-30 15:58:40.828 Status: Z4D: ++ Device NWK : 0xFFFE
2024-11-30 15:58:40.828 Status: Z4D: ++ Network Update Id : 0x0000
2024-11-30 15:58:40.828 Status: Z4D: ++ PAN ID : 0xFFFE
2024-11-30 15:58:40.828 Status: Z4D: ++ Extended PAN ID : ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
2024-11-30 15:58:40.828 Status: Z4D: ++ Channel : 0
Zigbee for Domoticz plugin / RPI3B+ / Electrolama ZZH-P / 45 devices
If the plugin provides you value, you can support me with a donation
Paypal .
Wiki is available
here .
Zigbee for Domoticz FAQ
Posts: 40 Joined: Saturday 13 July 2013 8:00
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: Beta
Location: Sweden
by JBN » Sunday 01 December 2024 19:59
I saw that 7.1.015 had a fix to OTA. I got this error after an upgrade and Z4D trying to do an OTA on a Hue LWG004.
(1.07 KiB) Downloaded 11 times
Posts: 1994 Joined: Monday 02 April 2018 20:33
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: beta
Location: France
by pipiche » Monday 23 December 2024 16:55
JBN wrote: ↑ Sunday 01 December 2024 19:59
I saw that 7.1.015 had a fix to OTA. I got this error after an upgrade and Z4D trying to do an OTA on a Hue LWG004.
The message indicate that a timedout has been detected when sending an OTA firmware block to the device. You might need to restart the firmlware (after a plugin restart)
Zigbee for Domoticz plugin / RPI3B+ / Electrolama ZZH-P / 45 devices
If the plugin provides you value, you can support me with a donation
Paypal .
Wiki is available
here .
Zigbee for Domoticz FAQ
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