Handy functions for dzVents

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Handy functions for dzVents

Post by HvdW »

I used to 'C', so I missed the IFF(this,then that,else) in dzVents
Here's mine:

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        IIF = function(condition, trueValue, falseValue)
            if condition then
                return trueValue
                return falseValue
The function is placed in the global_data script under helpers.
To call the function (example)

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domoticz.helpers.IIF(mySwitch.state == 'On', otherSwitch.switchOn(),otherSwitch.switchOff() )
Like the example in Quickstart in the dzVents WiKi.

There is a quick sleep(seconds) function as well:

Code: Select all

        sleep = function(seconds)
            os.execute("sleep " .. tonumber(seconds))
Called with

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The sleep() command produces some kind of error when time is set to >= 7 seconds.
The log displays

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Finished Test Script after >7 seconds. (using 0.040 seconds CPU time !)
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Re: Handy functions for dzVents

Post by waltervl »

Never use sleep in a dzvents script! It will halt dzvents and other Domoticz executions.

That is also why we have the asynchronous os execute function in dzvents to prevent that these os executions halt Domoticz unexpectedly.
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Re: Handy functions for dzVents

Post by RonkA »

Nice little global_data knowledge nugget, thanks for that.

This has the potential to shorten my scripts a lot by centralizing all the same functions that are used in multiple scripts..

These type of handy uses of dzVents feel buried in the wiki and are not easily found and understand by people that have limited coding skills like me..
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Re: Handy functions for dzVents

Post by HvdW »

spaces() is a function to help you align data when writing to a Text Sensor

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-- Helper functions
local function spaces(count)
    return string.rep(" ", count)

local function round(num, decimals)
    local mult = 10^(decimals or 0)
    return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
Here is an example how to use it, plus it is a structured way to fill a Text Sensor with text

Code: Select all

        -- Create or update text sensor
        local displayText = string.format(
            "Solar Power: %d\n" ..
            "Power Return: %d\n" ..
            "Power Consumption: %d\n" ..
            "Power Available: %d\n" ..
            "Battery Level: %d\n" ..
            spaces(15) .. "Battery Set: %d\n" ..
            spaces(15) .. "EVSE Switch: %s\n" ..
            spaces(15) .. "Charging Level: %s\n",
        domoticz.devices('Car Charging Actual').updateText(displayText)
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