Device setting to group

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Device setting to group

Post by vespino »

I have a group of lights that I use to turn them on/off with one timer. In this group each device of type dimmer has the level setting. When I set the level of an individual device to something else than what is set in the group (using the slider on the dashboard), the next time the group is turned on, the level within the group is used again. Is there a way of syncing the level set for each individual device with that in the group?
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Re: Device setting to group

Post by waltervl »

You probably can do something with an API call in a dzvents script to change the device settings in a group but it won't be easy. Go to the wiki and research the group APIs
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Re: Device setting to group

Post by vespino »

Using PHP this would be “een koud kunstje” for me, but since the API doesn’t allow for adding/removing devices to groups based on their idx but only by index or editing devices already in a group for that matter, I have no idea where to begin. This also seems a redundant process that has to be executed with every change of level.
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