Rhasspy as local voice assistant

Alexa, Google Home and Siri

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Rhasspy as local voice assistant

Post by heggink »

Looking for a locally hosted voice assistant, I ran into rhasspy through this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvbVePuP7NY

The guy describes how he configures various components (piper TTS, whisper STT, ollama as conversation agent) all integrated using the wyoming protocol (to HASS :-(). Following this video, it almost looks like it should be possible to 'easily' integrate into domoticz... Add a device for audio and you're laughing. The idea of running everything in my own home and not have google listen in on everything is very appealing :-).

Has anyone looked at this? Anyone interested to collectively give it a go? It lists OpenHAB integration although that seemed too scripted for me (unlike the HASS integration).
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Re: Rhasspy as local voice assistant

Post by FireWizard »

Hello @heggink,

Interesting proposal

You asked:
Has anyone looked at this?
Not from this point of view.
I looked at the possibilities of using my Google Home Mini or Nest Hub for other tasks, such as detecting sounds, custom messages, etc.
Anyone interested to collectively give it a go?
It lists OpenHAB integration although that seemed too scripted for me (unlike the HASS integration).
I have no experience with OpenHab or Home Assistant.

Normally I use Node-RED for any scripting and so far I have achieved everything, I needed and push the values by MQTT to Domoticz
For some of the tools, you mentioned, Node-RED has already custom nodes available.

Let me know about your thoughts.

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Re: Rhasspy as local voice assistant

Post by heggink »

Let's see. Any opportunity to replace Google with a home hosted service, I would jump at. Rhasspy has all the basic components but we need to figure out the domoticz integration in a generic way.
If it can be done with HA, it should be possible with domoticz.
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Re: Rhasspy as local voice assistant

Post by waltervl »

Moved the topic to the voice and speech forum.
I myself played some time ago with Mycroft wich is also local: viewtopic.php?t=17652

The downside is you probably need a seperate system/RPi for this as voice control eats a lot of CPU.
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