Add the MCZ pellet stove

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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by Freakstreet »


You won't be able to get the stove status unless you know the last command it has received, the stove isn't sending any data.
Maybe you can try hacking the green and led status to know if is is on/switching on/off/switching off

Who can tell me what's the status of the domoticz thermostat4 integration status ?
I see in the code that a lot has been implemented but is it functional yet ?

If far from being operational, I can write a python script that can manage the stove from temp and switches, but I'd need to know how to send the serial commands to the RFXCom from domoticz with json.

Anyway, If the developers need beta testing, I'm ready.

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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by martincz »


Did anyone got any further on this subject?

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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by funky »


I'm really looking forward to a MCZ pellet stove working with RFXCom protocol. @the rfx com site the mcz pellet stove is already supported. The only thing what has to be done is making a python script to let it work with the Thermostat4 protocol.
Unfortunately i do not have the development skills. Is there any developer wich want to help developing this. I like to be the beta tester.
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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by Ries »

This would be great to control through domoticz
I dont like the noisy fans of the stove to be at full power.
I’d like to control the fan based on on a PIR.
Turnoff the stove when at a certain temperature
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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by funky »

Hey everybody.

How Is it going with the implementation of the MCZ pellet stove. I already got it working by the RFXmngr. But unfortunately it is not supported in domoticz. I saw the owner of domotica was working on it in 2016. Is there any progress? How can I help?
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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by emielfellinger »

Would be great if this would work in the future. :D
My plans are to use domoticz to control the room / floor temperature based on temp-sensors en motion-sensors in the various rooms to calculate and average floor temperature.
Domoticz then has to be able to control all heating systems which are MCZ Vivo 80 for the ground floor and CV system for the 1st floor and bedrooms.
The CV part (Toon Thermostat) is working already like charm. Just do know how to get the MCZ stove and its fan settings working.
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Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by Kouwe »

I would like to reopen another subject, namely that relating to the MCZ pellet stove.

The RFXCOM offers the possibility to control an MCZ pellet stove. I managed to find out the code and that part works. I get a message back. It is only not possible to create a virtual sensor in Domoticz so far. An attempt has been made but I believe that the administrator of Domoticz has stopped it for safety reasons. But in my humble opinion, operating the MCZ pellet stove with a remote control (a real one or a virtual one via Domoticz) is no different than operating the central heating.

Is there anyone who is able to make the code for controlling the MCZ available through Domoticz? Unfortunately I don't have the knowledge to do that myself. I can provide information based on my own remote control and the generated code from RFXCOM.
I want to use this virtual remote control this winter to automate my heating. Below a certain temperature, the pellet stove has to preheat the room to make it easier for the heat pump and to support the boiler as little as possible.
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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by guyschwartzmans »

Is there an update on this subject? I have a MCZ Vivo 80 Hydro I would like to control. Hope that there is some update on this.
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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by cazadeis »


I send orders to my stove with Rfxmngr. It works, I don't know how to interface the RFXCom so that it sends the work orders :-(
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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by iganin »

I would like to detect that MCZ stove is switched on or off by the remote as i have no intention to control it with Domoticz. Is there a solution?
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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by domtag »

With the help of jeedom I figured out which codes you should use to control the stove.

Manual for a linux box, in outline:
1. find out the code for your stove with the rfxcom windows software.
2. Install the jpnevulator package (sudo apt install jpnevulator). This allows you to write codes to your USB port.
3. make a simple shell script for each action, e.g. turn stove on:

jpnevulator -w -t /dev/ttyUSB0 -f /path-to-textfile/stove-on.txt

(/dev/ttyUSB0 is the usb port to which your rfxcom is connected. This can of course differ per installation.)

Save the script in the domoticz/scripts folder.

In the text file you just put the code, followed by an empty line.
Example stove on, fan speed 1, pellet feed 1:

0c430002 is always the same
xxxxxx is the code for your stove

The 4 digits after that are the fan speed: 0100 is speed 0, 0101 is speed 1, 0102 is speed 2 and so on.
The next 4 digits are the pellet feed: 0000, 0001, 0002 and so on
The last 4 digits indicate whether the stove should be on or off: 0100 is on, 0000 is off.

You can only control the heater with RFXcom, because this device supports a transmission frequency of 434.5 MHz.

The last step is to call the shell scripts with Domoticz, but that's a piece of cake.
Be careful not to set the pellet feed higher than the ventilator speed.
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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by leonardo »

domtag wrote: Sunday 06 December 2020 13:21 The 4 digits after that are the fan speed: 0100 is speed 0, 0101 is speed 1, 0102 is speed 2 and so on.
My stove has TWO fans, I cannot understand how to control them independently...
I tried to send fan command like 0101, 0201, 0001 and similar but it seems it doesn't work.. is there anyone who can please clear it up for me?
thanks a lot, Leo
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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by leonardo »

Hello I got all the info from Bert, I'm going to correct my code, as soon as it's OK I'll share it to help other users.
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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by leonardo »

Ok I did this script:

Code: Select all


# Counter routine (Sequence)
if [ -e /tmp/mcz.seq ] ; then
  read cnt < /tmp/mcz.seq
if [ $(($cnt)) -gt 255 ] ; then cnt=0; fi
SQ=`printf '%x' $cnt`
if [ ${#SQ} = 1 ] ; then SQ="0$SQ" ; fi

PL="0c"		# PacketLength				Don't modify
PT="43"		# Packet Type 43 (thermostat4=MCZ)	Don't modify
ST="01"		# SubType: 00=1FAN 01=2FAN 02=3FAN	Set your type
#SQ=Counter	# Sequence Number 00-FF			Automatically calculated
ID=aabbcc	# U1+U2+U3: ID Stove			Set your ID
BE=01		# Beep					Up to you
#F1=FAN1	# 0-6 (6=auto)
#F2=FAN2	# 0-6 (6=auto)
#F3=FAN3	# 0-6 (6=auto)
#PP=PELLET	# 1-5
#M=MODE		# 0=off 1=manual 2=auto 3=eco

while getopts f:g:h:p:m: option
    case "${option}"
          case "$MODE" in

echo "SQ     : $SQ"
echo "fan1   : $F1"
echo "fan2   : $F2"
echo "fan3   : $F3"
echo "pellet : $PP"
echo "mode   : $M ($MODE)"

echo $STRING

# send command
echo $STRING | jpnevulator -w -t /dev/ttyUSB0

# update counter
(( cnt ++ ))
echo $cnt > /tmp/mcz.seq
this is based on info got from rfxcom. The command is sent with 13 Bytes:

Code: Select all

BYTE 1	packetlength;
BYTE 2	packettype;
BYTE 3	subtype;
BYTE 4	seqnbr;
BYTE 5	unitcode1;
BYTE 6	unitcode2;
BYTE 7	unitcode3;
BYTE 8	beep;
BYTE 9	fan1_speed;
BYTE 10	fan2_speed: 4;
BYTE 11	fan3_speed: 4;
BYTE 12	flame_power;
BYTE 13	mode;

packetlength:	Packet length (this byte not included) = 0x0C
packettype:	0x43 = thermostat4
subtype:		0x00 = MCZ 1 fan model  0x01 = MCZ 2 fan model  0x02 = MCZ 3 fan model
seqnbr:		Sequence number. This field contains a sequence number from 0x00 to 0xFF.
unitcode1 to unitcode3: 	unitcode = 0x01 to 0xFFFFFF
beep:		0 = no beep (used for repeated commands without beep)  1 = beep   (used for the first command send with beep)
fan1_speed:	0 to 6  (6 is Auto)
fan2_speed:	0 to 6  (6 is Auto)
fan3_speed:	0 to 6  (6 is Auto)
flame_power:	1 to 5
mode:		0x0=Off  0x1=Manual  0x2=Auto  0x3=Eco
Dont' forget to get your stove ID and set it on the script.

Hope to help!

Regards, Leonardo
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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by janbbe »

Hi Leonardo,

We are trying to follow your script and other explanations, but we are not very handy withing Domoticz, unitol now we are only using the default functions for shelly and sompfy ;-).
Do you have a step by step descripting how to get the stove functions finally in the dashboard of Domoticacz?

Regards, Jan
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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by leonardo »

Hello Jan, sorry for replying so late.
I created on Domoticz a "selector" with four options:


the options point to the script (you have to check it on a shell before using it, first of all you must get the correct ID following rfxtrx instructions), after this you can *for example* use it like this:

OFF: script:// -f1 -g1 -p1 -m 0
LOW: script:// -f1 -g1 -p1 -m 1
MID: script:// -f2 -g3 -p3 -m 1
HIGH: script:// -f3 -g6 -p5 -m 1

with this parameters you will have:
OFF: all off ;)
LOW: Pellet speed=1, FAN1=1, FAN2=1
MID: Pellet speed=3, FAN1=2, FAN2=3
HIGH: Pellet Speed=5, FAN1=3, FAN2=auto

I have to say: I have a TWO FANS fireplace, if you have one or three, you have to modify something on the first lines of the code.

HTH, Leo
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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by janbbe »

Thanks a lot for your replay!
I have found the correct ID already and I am able to control the stove with the tools which becomes with the rfxtrx. So far so good ;-)
I do have the same kind of stove as you have, my stove has 2 fans as well.

Coming days I will follow up your tips and keep you informed.

Thanks again so far.

Regards, Jan
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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by leonardo »

that's great, if you can drive the stove with windows program, you will have no problems with my script.
DON'T FORGET to add the "jpnevulator" package, it's the core package to send commands via usb serial!
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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by Ries »

The rfxcom manager application suggests that fan2 and fan3 share a byte. Are you sure Leonardo that these are seperate bytes?
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Re: Add the MCZ pellet stove

Post by pagodas »


I change my os with the raspberry pi OS.

And now i can't send command to my rfxcom
it work with my old version, with the same rfxcom.

1023 firmware (it work on windows)

before i use

sudo /bin/echo -e '\x0C\x43\x01\x00\x6C\x51\x02\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00' > /dev/ttyUSB-RFX433-A
but i received

I try with your bash,

bash -f1 -g1 -p1 -m 1
SQ : 01
fan1 : 01
fan2 : 01
fan3 :
pellet : 01
mode : (1)

But nothing

Have you got an idea?
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