I ran into a strange problem.
Last week, after using the smartplug for many months, it suddenly was unreachable from Domoticz. The Tuya app had no problem switching it off/on.
I tried to revive it by removing it from Domoticz and the Tuya plugin, and from the Tuya app. Then reset the device and installed it into the Tuya app, and it flowed into Domoticz. Still no luck: I cannot control the device from Domoticz.
So I decided to give up, and ordered a few new plugs (ZIgbee, this time).
This morning a second smartplug shows the same signs. Not reachable from Domoticz, everything OK from the Tuya app.
Any idea what may be going on? All other Tuya devices (lightbulbs, smartplugs, window sensors, temperature sensors) seem to be just fine...
I am using R-Pi4 with Buster, Domoticz 2022.2 with TUYA Plugin v.1.0.13. I realize they are out of date, but switching over to Bookworm with all new plugins on Domoticz is not trivial so it is still on my workstack...