Help with Z-Wave Device Inclusion Failing Intermittently

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Help with Z-Wave Device Inclusion Failing Intermittently

Post by movone8084 »

Hi everyone,

I’m new to Domoticz and have been trying to set up a Z-Wave network at home. I’ve got the system running on a Raspberry Pi 4 using the Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5+ as the Z-Wave controller. Everything seemed fine during the initial setup, but I’m having trouble adding new devices to the network.

Sometimes, the inclusion process works perfectly, and the device appears in Domoticz as expected. However, more often than not, the inclusion process either times out or the device shows up without any meaningful data (e.g., no manufacturer info, no node ID). It’s inconsistent and quite frustrating.

I’ve tried the following so far:

Restarting the Domoticz service and Z-Stick.
Ensuring the devices are within range (most are within 2-3 meters during inclusion).
Testing with both secure and non-secure inclusion options.
Updating Domoticz to the latest stable version.
Despite all this, I can’t seem to figure out the root cause. Has anyone experienced something similar or have suggestions for troubleshooting? Could it be interference, or am I missing a key step in the configuration?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Last edited by movone8084 on Wednesday 04 December 2024 17:13, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Help with Z-Wave Device Inclusion Failing Intermittently

Post by waltervl »

If you are new to Domoticz I hope you started with Zwave-JS-UI over MQTT and not the integrated Openzwave solution. OpenZwave will be deprecated and not working in a future Domoticz release. See wiki how to install Zwave-JS-UI:
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Re: Help with Z-Wave Device Inclusion Failing Intermittently

Post by Michel13 »

I recently faced a malfunction of my Z-Wave UZB stick with the RPI4.
Like you, it was almost impossible to include new sensors and the interview of existing nodes was not successful.
According to some messages on this subject, it seems that there is an interference problem when the stick is connected directly to the USB port of the RPI4. Some have reported more specifically problems affecting the Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5 but it is clearly not only this model that is affected since mine had the same malfunction.
The solution is to connect the stick with a USB Male/Female extension cable to move the two devices away. In any case, this is what solved my problem and I was able to find normal operation of my stick.
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