RFLink switches linked somehow

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RFLink switches linked somehow

Post by mistysnip »


I have several RFLink swtiches that seem to be paired somehow - when I turn one on/off the other does the same.

In this case, it's the stair lights (80) and the Christmas tree (41) that are "linked".

How do I break this connection?

20241202-113504 chrome_8EXX5DcjwZ.png
20241202-113504 chrome_8EXX5DcjwZ.png (1.64 KiB) Viewed 321 times
20241202-113413 chrome_znEnBFHybX.png
20241202-113413 chrome_znEnBFHybX.png (1.78 KiB) Viewed 321 times
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Re: RFLink switches linked somehow

Post by HvdW »

Your information is quite misty.
To help you:
Open domoticz on one browser on your computer and another browser on your computer or on your mobile phone.
Use one to switch and open the log in the other browser to see what happens.
Test switching 80 and test switching 41
Is the coupling working one directional or on both sides.
Check and watch.
Bugs bug me.
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Re: RFLink switches linked somehow

Post by waltervl »

Could be the sub/slave connection being configured incorrectly for these devices.
https://wiki.domoticz.com/Managing_Devi ... ve_devices
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Re: RFLink switches linked somehow

Post by Dave21w »

Also what make / model are the physical switches, some when first powered come on in pairing mode so if the On command was sent from Domoticz they may both now be responding to the same code. I was suggest resetting them both and then repairing them.
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Re: RFLink switches linked somehow

Post by mistysnip »


The log mainly shows the On and Off requests for each button that i press. However, button 41 does turn the device on 80 on and off, even though the status of 80 in domoticz doesn't change. Turning button 80 on or off doesn't affect button 41.
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Re: RFLink switches linked somehow

Post by Dave21w »

Most if not all devices that use 433 or 315mhz are one direction only, they receive a command signal but do not send any response back therefore if button 41 also turns on device 80 they must be responding to the same code. As most of these devices can learn up to 5 codes so you could use multiple remotes your problem is you have one device that has been paired twice so it responds to two different ID codes.
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Re: RFLink switches linked somehow

Post by mistysnip »

But I'm doing this from domoticz, not from a remote and I don't recall adjusting the codes... Do you think that if I do a reset to the device and add it again is the way to go?
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Re: RFLink switches linked somehow

Post by Dave21w »

I would reset the device to clear all paired codes and also delete the device in domoticz and recreate it just to be sure before pairing it again.
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