Build 16325 Smartmeter problem/Bug

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Build 16325 Smartmeter problem/Bug

Post by fjuppe »


Domoticz 2024.7 Build 16325
Debian latest updated and upgraded
RPi5 8 Gig

Since build 16325, I have a problem with the Currently One smartmeter over MQTT. 3 autodiscovered devices (L1, L2, and L3) showing power on each phase is correct. There is one more autodiscovered device (Type: Usage, electric, "Currently Using") which correctly shows the sum of L1, L2 and L3. Then there is another autodiscovered device (Type: General, kWh, "Currently Used") which, before updating to 16325 from 16219, showed also sum of L1, L2 and L3 and calculated energy today based on the total consumption. After update to 16325, this device, "Currently Used" now only shows power from L1 and the today consumtion is calculated only from L1 power instead of the sum of L1, L2 and L3. Worked like a charm since more than a year but from 16325 shows the wrong values both power and energy.

Tested on another Rpi with Domoticz 2024.7 stable and works correct!

Anybody else seeing this behaviour?

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Re: Build 16325 Smartmeter problem/Bug

Post by fjuppe »


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Re: Build 16325 Smartmeter problem/Bug

Post by sumitrathore »

Hi fjuppe, have you tried rolling back to Build 16219 on your RPi5 to see if the issue persists, or does it only happen on Build 16325?
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Re: Build 16325 Smartmeter problem/Bug

Post by waltervl »

Check if the device ID in MQTT is still the same. Perhaps due to an update of the application controlling the device (Zwave-JS-UI? Zigbee2MQTT?) it changed ID and then Domoticz will get confused.
Delete all related and retained config topics from your MQTT server/broker and restart domoticz and the- controlling application to force rediscovering the devices by Domoticz.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
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