can somebody help me out why my delay does not work?
i'm trying to make a heating script with zones, a buffertank with pump and an weather temperature based heatpump with an on/off input.
the rest of the scripts works (with thermostats, heatcommand to heatpump and opening the valves,
but i want to have my tankpump to have a delay of 3 minutes before it goes ON due opening of the valves that takes some minutes before they are open...
This code
Code: Select all
local heating if hp.heater ~= nil then heating = dz.devices(hp.heater) end
The next code does NOT work

Code: Select all
local Delay = 30
local heating if hp.heater ~= nil then heating = dz.devices(t.heater).afterSec(Delay) end
Code: Select all
attempt to call a nil value (field 'afterSec')
Many thanks!