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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin

Post by Fgerrits »

When using login on the shelly webpage, create a password which has no special characters in it, the plugins report then the error in the domoticz log.
I have tested it on a raspberry pi 4 and on a synology nas (with python 3.8 no errors back in domoticz) with python3.7 on the pi ill get the heartbeat error but the plugin is running oke.

Im looking in the script also to get my temperature reading from the shelly1PM, also when the add-on is connected is it then also possible to get the temp+hum reading in domoticz ?
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Shelly 2.5 Roller problem in Domoticz 2022.2

Post by Sjonnie2017 »

Hi all,

Updated to latest Domoticz stable yesterday and as of that moment all my Shelly 2.5 (Roller function) refuses to work. I have 10 Shelly's controlling my rollers. All refuse of course :-)

I checked to to see if the plugin sends a open/close instead of on/off to the device and it does. So it seems the plugin should be working.

Anyone had this issue and found a solution?


EDIT 1: Could it be that the plugin is now using the "wrong" switchtype? In the plugin I see switchtype 13 (in createRoller(hostname, count)). I tried searching for the correct type (if there has been a change) but cannot find it.

EDIT 2: Found more info on the switchtype here: ... hon_plugin. Don't know how to change the plugin though :(
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin

Post by Sjonnie2017 »

Weirdest thing: If I set the blinds to "blinds + stop" the blinds function when using the slider in the interface. The open and close buttons refuse to work however.

I just hope Mario Peters hasn't abandoned this project because I would really hate to have to switch to Homey ;)
ConBee II - TRÅDFRI lights + switches, loads of ChingLing dimmers and switches, Heiman and Xiaomi sensors
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin

Post by Sjonnie2017 »

I can fully appreciate that a developer of a fine plugin is not always able to respond to user queries. On the other hand: I had serious issues with the new Domoticz release in combination with this plugin.

So I decided to try another plugin: ShellyMQTT. I had some desk research to do to get Mosquitto up and running the way I wanted it (docker, so a PITA) but once completed I now have my Shelly devices controlled by the new plugin.

I hope that for those of you that are not willing/capable of installing ShellyMQTT in combination with Mosquitto a solution is provided. I, however, will "leave" this thread and continue with the ShellyMQTT pluign (which, coincidentally, is updated to work with Domoticz 2022.2 :mrgreen: )
ConBee II - TRÅDFRI lights + switches, loads of ChingLing dimmers and switches, Heiman and Xiaomi sensors
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin

Post by GeyerA »

I managed to fix the issue, have changed the code from "On" to "Open" and "Off" to "Close". My assumption was from the log always saying unknown command Open and Close.

Code: Select all

            if str(Command) == "Open":
##            if str(Command) == "On":
                if self.mode == "roller":
                    url = url + "?go=open"
                    url = url + "?turn=on"
            elif str(Command) == "Close":
##            elif str(Command) == "Off":
                if self.mode == "roller":
                    url = url + "?go=close"
I think it might have changed when Blinds was modified in Domoticz
Log still says unknow commant though
2022-11-27 21:02:12.626 Status: User: Admin (IP: ::1) initiated a switch command (3/LivingRoomCloud - shellyswitch25-8CAAB55DB5F3_Roller1/Close)
2022-11-27 21:02:16.067 LivingRoomCloud: onHeartbeat called
2022-11-27 21:02:46.055 LivingRoomCloud: onHeartbeat called
2022-11-27 21:03:16.077 LivingRoomCloud: onHeartbeat called
2022-11-27 21:03:46.059 LivingRoomCloud: onHeartbeat called
2022-11-27 21:03:55.685 LivingRoomCloud: onCommand called for Unit 2: Parameter 'Open', Level: 100
2022-11-27 21:03:55.686 LivingRoomCloud: url:
2022-11-27 21:03:55.720 LivingRoomCloud: Unknown command: Open
2022-11-27 21:03:55.673 Status: User: Admin (IP: ::1) initiated a switch command (3/LivingRoomCloud - shellyswitch25-8CAAB55DB5F3_Roller1/Open)
I also posted in Github so the dev can try. I also moved to MQTT but will return my previous setting and continue to use that plug-in
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin

Post by ssk17051980 »


i don't find the instruction for this plugin.
ca somebody help me ?
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin

Post by mariopeters »

I developed a new version of my Shelly plugin in python (
It is working based on scanning a network (192.168.1.*)
Not all devices are supported yet and I have to make the network segment as a variable.
I'm still in test phase so every feedback is welcome.
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin

Post by peterchef »

Tried out the V2 plugin. Installed and started without problems. Devices discovered but not yet supported.

2024-10-01 08:46:03.579 Shellies: Unknown device found for ip and type SHEM
2024-10-01 08:46:03.798 Shellies: Unknown device found for ip and type SHEM
2024-10-01 08:46:03.813 Shellies: Unknown device found for ip and type S3SW-001X8EU
2024-10-01 08:46:03.907 Shellies: Unknown device found for ip and type SNSW-001X16EU
2024-10-01 08:46:04.001 Shellies: Unknown device found for ip and type SHEM
2024-10-01 08:46:04.048 Shellies: Unknown device found for ip and type S3SW-001X8EU
2024-10-01 08:46:04.079 Shellies: Unknown device found for ip and type S3SW-001X8EU

Will look forward to the continued development.
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin

Post by BertB »

I tried the new ShellyCloudPlugin2 plugin with Domoticz, but I have some questions.
As far as I know, the new shellycloud is Does this plugin work with that?
I am also a bit confused what to put in the fields?

Plugin for controlling Shelly devices.

IP Address is the IP Address of the Shelly device. Default value is
Type is the type of Shelly device you want to add. Shelly 1, Shelly PM, Shelly 2.5 (relay and roller), Shelly Dimmer, Shelly RGBW2 (color and white), Shelly Bulb, Shelly Door/Window 2 and Shelly Plug-S are currently supported

Here are those fields.
IP Address:
Heartbeat In Seconds:

Do I have to fill in the adress of one specific Shelly device? Then, what is the purpose of the range?
Do I need to make a plugin device for every Shelly device?
Where do I put the shelly device type? There seems to be no field for that.
As for now, I have no usernames and passwords in the Shelly devices. Do I have to in order to get this working?

Upon activation of the plugin, I get this in the log:
2024-11-21 15:14:05.335 Status: Shelly: Started.
2024-11-21 15:14:05.335 Status: Shelly: Entering work loop.
2024-11-21 15:14:06.085 Error: Shelly: (ShellyCloudPlugin2) failed to load '', Python Path used was '/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/ShellyCloudPlugin2/:/usr/lib/'.
2024-11-21 15:14:06.087 Error: Shelly: Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-11-21 15:14:06.087 Error: Shelly: File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/ShellyCloudPlugin2/", line 31, in <module>
2024-11-21 15:14:06.087 Error: Shelly: from gen23 import *
2024-11-21 15:14:06.087 Error: Shelly: File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/ShellyCloudPlugin2/gen23/", line 2, in <module>
2024-11-21 15:14:06.087 Error: Shelly: from gen23 import SHELLY_Gen23_SingleSwitch
2024-11-21 15:14:06.087 Error: Shelly: File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/ShellyCloudPlugin2/gen23/", line 7, in <module>
2024-11-21 15:14:06.087 Error: Shelly: from gen23 import SHELLY_Gen23_Auth
2024-11-21 15:14:06.087 Error: Shelly: File "/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/ShellyCloudPlugin2/gen23/", line 6, in <module>
2024-11-21 15:14:06.087 Error: Shelly: def extract_data_from_401(response_header: dict[str, str]) -> dict[str, str]:
2024-11-21 15:14:06.087 Error: Shelly: TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable
2024-11-21 15:15:01.775 Status: Shelly: Stop directive received.
2024-11-21 15:15:01.775 Status: Shelly: Stopping threads.
2024-11-21 15:15:01.775 Status: Shelly: Exiting work loop.
2024-11-21 15:15:01.852 Status: Shelly: Stopped.
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