Tasmota MQTT

For devices supporting the Auto Discovery feature. Like ZWaveJS2MQTT, Zigbee2MQTT.

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Tasmota MQTT

Post by BarryT »

Hi all,

why does the mqtt discovery found some of our bulbs, and some not?
i'm getting crazy using domoticz and mqtt. i never found out an solution..
i'm working now with virtual devices for the bulbs that are not seen.
in mqtt all devices are online, all the Group Topics are the same while the full topics has its own names per device.
what am i doing wrong?
as you could see there are a lot of devices in mqtt while domoticz sees only 5 of them..
in HA all tasmota devices are found and works out of the box directly.
i'vfe tried a lot things like topic change, etc, but that didnt work at all.
hope to found out 'the' answer! :)
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Re: Tasmota MQTT

Post by waltervl »

Tasmota Discovery is not the same as Domoticz Auto Discovery. Tasmota decided to create something themselves.
There is a Tasmota teacher script that works similar as the ShellyTeacher script. But I do not know the state. https://github.com/enesbcs/shellyteacher4domo/issues/42

Also there is a python plugin called Tasmoticz https://github.com/joba-1/Tasmoticz
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Re: Tasmota MQTT

Post by peterchef »

I have one tasmota device that works with domoticz mqtt AD. I had to use tasmota version 11.1.0 to make it work.
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Re: Tasmota MQTT

Post by BarryT »

Thanks for answering both!
Tasmoticz is already in use, so that one is working but its only for switches, not for rgb(ww) bulbs or any lights controlled with dimmable / kelvin values..
Also tried Tasmota teacher, but that one isnt working at all.
Everything in mqtt is working, except all new tasmota flashed bulbs of athom.
Already tried option 19 1 or 0, but that didnt do anything as well..
It seems that HA is default supported, and we does not need to change anything te let it work, and that is true... but not for domoticz :-(
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Re: Tasmota MQTT

Post by waltervl »

Tasmota Option 19 for HA AutoDiscover is only available until firmware 11. After that Tasmota has removed the functionality.

Alternative is to look at MQTTmapper plugin.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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