Raspian OS with labwc => effects for Domoticz? Topic is solved

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Raspian OS with labwc => effects for Domoticz?

Post by Toulon7559 »

Recently having burned my fingers on a change in Google Highcharts, it alerts more awareness for changes in 'supporting' software.

Does this information from the Raspberry-stables have effects on Domoticz' functionality?

Because it is recommended to have a periodic update&upgrade of OS, a certain risc appears that during 'innocently' updating/upgrading this new functionality is incorporated.
Prominent for Raspberry4 and Raspberry5, but what about the older Raspberry-platforms?
Or are such platforms in practise somewhat 'protected against error' if they run an older type of OS, like Buster or Bullseye?
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Re: Raspian OS with labwc => effects for Domoticz?

Post by waltervl »

As far as I know Wayland is a way to create a graphical user interface environment (desktop) on a Linux system. There are also other ways to do that. Domoticz does not do anything on this level. A lot of users even use a server version of Linux and that does not have a graphical user interface environment (desktop) like Wayland.

So conclusion is: There is no effect on Domoticz....
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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