Panel Energi - proszę o pomoc w ustawieniu.

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Re: Panel Energi - proszę o pomoc w ustawieniu.

Post by waltervl »

Ask the plugin author to create a Domoticz Electricity (instant and counter) device if the tasmota device sends Usage (Watt) and total Energy (kWh).
In python plugin framework this is device type 243, subtype 29
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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Re: Panel Energi - proszę o pomoc w ustawieniu.

Post by Daro1003 »

Thank you, I added a topic on:
Maybe something will start. I ask for your support in this topic.
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Re: Panel Energi - proszę o pomoc w ustawieniu.

Post by joba1 »

Hi, I am the plugin author of tasmoticz.

I do not have a pzem. I would need tasmota mqtt messages from boot to the first tele message to help.

Also I would need the required domoticz version.

Can someone provide this?

I would also need someone with the pzem who can install new plugin versions and provide domoticz logs of it running to test.
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Re: Panel Energi - proszę o pomoc w ustawieniu.

Post by Daro1003 »

I have a spare PZEM
I can put it together on Wemos and upload the tape.

I just need instructions on what exactly to send.

As for the domoticz version, it is current: Version: 2024.7
Installed on Raspberry 3B+
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Re: Panel Energi - proszę o pomoc w ustawieniu.

Post by Daro1003 »

@Joba, has there been any progress in the topic?
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