After changing hardware and devices values end up all in the same day

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After changing hardware and devices values end up all in the same day

Post by DJathome »

Forgive me for still being in the 'newbie' state.

After changing a few things in my setup (trying to a a second SMA inverter) the production daily values of the original one ended up all accumulated in one day as if al production was done in that date.
Result is that I see between 20 and 30 MEGAWatthours of production on, in my case, passed 4th of October.

Now to be honest I have some recollection of a similar problem being reasonably simply corrected somewhere here but it seems I am using the wrong keywords to search as after some hours browsing I did not find a post on the subject yet.

As you might see in the attached screenshot all my production from the past years months and days end up on that 4th October.
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Re: After changing hardware and devices values end up all in the same day

Post by waltervl »

Attachment are currently not working on the forum.
But you probably can delete that huge spike from the graph and database by clicking on the value with shift button pressed. A popup will be shown to confirm the deletion of that incorrect value.
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Re: After changing hardware and devices values end up all in the same day

Post by DJathome »

Ok thanks for a swift reply, does this also restore the values to their dates in the past?
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Re: After changing hardware and devices values end up all in the same day

Post by waltervl »

No, but probably the values are there but you do not see them due to the huge difference. But better check with a csv/excel export that you can do from the graph (check the hamburger menu in the graph)
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Re: After changing hardware and devices values end up all in the same day

Post by FlyingDomotic »

The "issue" you had is something common, happening when a cumulative counter goes back to zero (is reset) externally. Is probably occurred when you installed your second SMA inverter.
Using "shift click" method, you'll only loose the 4 October production. If you have a way to known/estimate it, it's possible to "force" it in database (at your own risks).
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