Get all Smart Meter values of Tasmota into Domoticz

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Get all Smart Meter values of Tasmota into Domoticz

Post by imautohuttraeger »

Using the “Hichi IR reading head” I can see some of the values ​​of my electricity meter displayed on the Tasmota interface. I can also get one value of this transferred to Domoticz by entering the idx of the device in Domoticz with the sensor idx4 from Tasmota. But how can I get the other values ​​in Domoticz? I tried the available sensors idx 1 to 11, but nothing works.
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Re: Get all Smart Meter values of Tasmota into Domoticz

Post by waltervl »

I think you have to use the P1 smartmeter device. I am not sure what the Tasmota can/will publish exactly.
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Re: Get all Smart Meter values of Tasmota into Domoticz

Post by nitana »

Hallo imautohuttraeger, soweit bin ich auch schon gekommen, es scheint noch zu wenige User zu geben die damit Ihre Daten auslesen.
Über idx6 und idx7 kommen auch noch Daten raus aus dem tasmoto...
vg. nitana
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Re: Get all Smart Meter values of Tasmota into Domoticz

Post by imautohuttraeger »

@waltwrvl Thanks for quick reply. Maybe I have tested P1 not long enough as I now think I have to wait until the kWh must change before data are transfered. I will give it a trial when I will be back home tonight.
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Re: Get all Smart Meter values of Tasmota into Domoticz

Post by imautohuttraeger »

@nitana Das freut mich, dass noch jemand gerade damit Erfahrungen macht. Ich habe noch nicht die PIN zum "morsen" vom Netzbetreibers erhalten, daher werden wohl noch nicht alle Daten übermittelt - insbesondere die aktuelle Leistung der einzelnen Phasen und ihre Summe, so dass bei idx6 und idx7 derzeit noch nichts ankommt. Ich warte auf den Brief, morse dann los und schaue mal und werde das hier posten
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Re: Get all Smart Meter values of Tasmota into Domoticz

Post by imautohuttraeger »

Just paste the Google Translate translation from the last two German postings, so that everyone instantly can follow it as this is an English forum of course:

@nitana said:
Hello imautohuttraeger, I've already gotten this far, there still seem to be too few users who use it to read out their data.
Data also comes out of the tasmoto via idx6 and idx7...

@imautohuttraeger said:
@nitana I'm glad that someone else is having experience with this. I haven't received the PIN for "morse code" from the network operator yet, so probably not all of the data is being transmitted yet - in particular the current power of the individual phases and their sum, so nothing is being received by idx6 and idx7 at the moment. I'll wait for the letter, then go and have a look and post it here
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Re: Get all Smart Meter values of Tasmota into Domoticz

Post by imautohuttraeger »

I have now received and entered the PIN for my electricity meter. Now the current power consumption is also displayed - next to the two meter readings. To get these values ​​in Domoticz you have to enter the corresponding devices for idx4, idx7 and idx8. The other sensors do not transmit any data, I tested that.
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Re: Get all Smart Meter values of Tasmota into Domoticz

Post by waltervl »

You could try to use the Tasmota MQTT HomeAssistant Autodiscover function to get all the tasmota devices discovered and maintained by Domoticz. But it seems Tasmota is not supporting this MQTT Autodiscover function anymore in the latest firmware.
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Re: Get all Smart Meter values of Tasmota into Domoticz

Post by thaui »

The Tasmota device is sending the Data and i can read them with the Mqtt Explorer. With MqttMapper i can transfer the data to Domoticz.
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Re: Get all Smart Meter values of Tasmota into Domoticz

Post by imautohuttraeger »

OK, thanks. Will try MQTTMapper next time
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Re: Get all Smart Meter values of Tasmota into Domoticz

Post by waltervl »

thaui wrote: Friday 04 October 2024 19:31 The Tasmota device is sending the Data and i can read them with the Mqtt Explorer. With MqttMapper i can transfer the data to Domoticz.
Perhaps it would be nice to post your mqttmapper config json file for these devices. It will save TS some work to setup.
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Re: Get all Smart Meter values of Tasmota into Domoticz

Post by thaui »

okay. I am operating the Hiki Tasmota device in combination with the openDTU for my Hoymiles device. To get the data from Hiki is one thing to have the data in the energy dashboard another. But this is a seperate issue. In the Hiki device I have only enabled the MQTT parameters nothing else.
Then you get the topics and can see them in the Mqtt Explorer like this:


now you have to edit the mqttMapper.json file after you have installed the mqttMapper plugin. In my case it looks like this:

"Strom current W":{
"topic": "tele/Hichi_F42ED0/SENSOR",
"key": "tele/Hichi_F42ED0/SENSOR/SML/curr_w",
"type": "248", "subtype":"1",
"Strom Import kWh":{
"topic": "tele/Hichi_F42ED0/SENSOR",
"key": "tele/Hichi_F42ED0/SENSOR/SML/total_kwh",
"type": "113", "subtype":"0",
"Strom Export kWh":{
"topic": "tele/Hichi_F42ED0/SENSOR",
"key": "tele/Hichi_F42ED0/SENSOR/SML/export_total_kwh",
"type": "113", "subtype":"0",
after restarting Domoticz you have 3 additional devices generated by MqttMapper

Afterwards you need to add the data to the dummyP1 device in domoticz. This is challanging and I have not found a proper way to see reasonable values.
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Re: Get all Smart Meter values of Tasmota into Domoticz

Post by imautohuttraeger »

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Re: Get all Smart Meter values of Tasmota into Domoticz

Post by csuti »

Hi everyone!

After installing the electricity smart meter, I started integrating my Sanxing SX631 (S34U18) P1 Smartmeter. I tried several solutions, unfortunately with partial success. Some solutions didn't provide all the necessary data or didn't correctly match the OBIS codes. Others, in my opinion, communicated too frequently, and there were a few that I couldn't get to work at all. Finally, I decided to create my own integration. The solution is based on a newer Wemos D1 mini with Tasmota firmware and a custom Tasmota script, as well as a Domoticz plugin.
The output of the script running on Tasmota is published via Tasmota's MQTT, which is read by a Domoticz plugin that creates and updates the sensors.

I thought I would share it here with you, as it may be useful to someone.
domoticz_tasmota_p1smart.png (108.2 KiB) Viewed 1428 times ... mart-Meter
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Re: Get all Smart Meter values of Tasmota into Domoticz

Post by imautohuttraeger »

Great stuff. As you can see the voltage of each phase: Is it possible to also see the power of each phase rather than the cumulated figure?
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Re: Get all Smart Meter values of Tasmota into Domoticz

Post by csuti »

imautohuttraeger wrote: Friday 14 February 2025 9:11 Great stuff. As you can see the voltage of each phase: Is it possible to also see the power of each phase rather than the cumulated figure?
The availability of data depends on the data provided by the smart meter.
Unfortunately, the meter I use (sx631/s34u18) is not able to publish such data. For example, the description includes L1, L2, L3 current intensity, but in reality it does not publish such data.
The Tasmota script is very easy to extend and you can immediately see on the web interface whether the value of the new data is displayed or not. If the new obis code publishes data, then the Domoticz needs to be extended according to the description.
The Tasmota script needs to be extended in this part:
1,1-0:32.7.0(@1,L1 Voltage,V,volts_l1,1
1,1-0:52.7.0(@1,L2 Voltage,V,volts_l2,1
1,1-0:72.7.0(@1,L3 Voltage,V,volts_l3,1
1,1-0:1.7.0(@1,Power import,kW,pwr_imp,3
1,1-0:2.7.0(@1,Power export,kW,pwr_exp,3
1,1-0:13.7.0(@1,Power factor,,factor,3
1,0-0:96.14.0(@1,Current tariff,,tariff,0
1,1-0:1.8.0(@1,Energy import,kWh,enrg_imp,3
1,1-0:2.8.0(@1,Energy export,kWh,enrg_exp,3
1,1-0:1.8.1(@1,Energy import T1,kWh,enrg_imp_t1,3
1,1-0:1.8.2(@1,Energy import T2,kWh,enrg_imp_t2,3
1,1-0:2.8.1(@1,Energy export T1,kWh,enrg_exp_t1,3
1,1-0:2.8.2(@1,Energy export T2,kWh,enrg_exp_t2,3

In the future, I will review what other data would be worth reading out from the meter.
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