Unable to send rflink command

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Unable to send rflink command

Post by Jay74 »

Hi all,
I'm trying to use rflink with Domoticz, first steps with 433 Mhz.
So far RFLink have been able to recognize few elements (two PIR sensors and a garage remote controller), but I'm struggling with a remote controller for power socket.
This remote has 4 buttons and manage two sockets, so each socket has a ON button and a OFF button.
This is the serial printout of RFLink for all the buttons:
Socket 1 ON: 20;9C;Doorbell;ID=e450;SWITCH=1;CMD=ON;CHIME=01;
Socket 1 OFF: 20;9D;Doorbell;ID=e450;SWITCH=1;CMD=ON;CHIME=01;
Socket 2 ON: 20;9E;Doorbell;ID=e450;SWITCH=1;CMD=ON;CHIME=01;
Socket 2 OFF: 20;9F;Doorbell;ID=e450;SWITCH=1;CMD=ON;CHIME=01;

They all looks the same ! :shock:
If I try to send the command (using RFLink loader)
Reply is
(the same behaviour using Domoticz)

I've been trying some debugging using another Arduino with RCSwitch libraries and I found the following data:
Socket 1 ON: Binary: 100111001000101000001100 PulseLength: 140 microseconds Protocol: 1
Socket 1 OFF:Binary: 100111001000101000000100 PulseLength: 140 microseconds Protocol: 1
Socket 2 ON: Binary: 100111001000101000001010 PulseLength: 140 microseconds Protocol: 1
Socket 2 OFF:Binary: 100111001000101000000010 PulseLength: 140 microseconds Protocol: 1

Sending those values with the help of the same library I'm able to activate the power socket, so it means that it's just a problem of coding.

Any idea how to send "doorbell" command to rflink or translate from RCSwitch library to RFLink ? :(

Thank you for any possible help or hint !

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Re: Unable to send rflink command

Post by RueDesButtes »

What you see is not the RF command, just the command that send a beep.

I have the same behaviour,
In a previous version, I had 2 lines per action:
- chime+eurodomest
- with rflink v48 : only the chime

Hope it helps
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Re: Unable to send rflink command

Post by chris123 »


I am having the exact problem. It is a remote by ESMART for controlling a projector screen (up/down/stop).
All I get is, not matter what button I press (except the second number, which is increasing):

Any advice?
Thank you very much.
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