P1 energy consumption not shown in dashticz Topic is solved

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P1 energy consumption not shown in dashticz

Post by Kiekerjan »

As of yesterday afternoon my energy consumption, from P1, is not displayed in Dashticz anymore. The amount of returned energy is still shown. Parameters have not changed and all data is still visible in Domoticz (version 2024.7), so it is not an issue with data retrieval. What are your thoughts on a possible root cause which seems Dashticz related to me? I tried rebooting and updating but to no avail.

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Re: P1 energy consumption not shown in dashticz

Post by HansieNL »

What version of Dashticz do you use, because there's no change for at least 2 months?
I would suggest you to create a minimal config (no use of custom.js and custom.css) with only the P1 meter. Can you let us know if that works.
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Re: P1 energy consumption not shown in dashticz

Post by Kiekerjan »

I am using below version. This is the latest which I get after git pull. I don't know how to move to a stable version

Code: Select all

"version": "3.13.0",
"branch": "beta",
"last_changes": "Beta version derived from 3.13-master",
"changelog" : {
            "3.13": "Master version derived from 3.12.1-beta"
Changing to a minimal config (I renamed my current files and switched to the default, adding my graph to it) makes no difference.

This is the first part my graph code which used to work as expected:

Code: Select all

blocks['PowerGraph'] = {
    title: 'Energie',
    debugButton: false,
    devices: [1],
    graph: ['line','bar','bar'],
    lineTension: 0.4,
    stacked: true,
    custom :{
	"12 uur": {
            range: 'day',
            filter: '12 hours',
            data: {
                netto: 'd.v_1+d.v2_1-d.r1_1-d.r2_1',
                verbruik: 'd.v_1+d.v2_1',
                teruglevering: '-d.r1_1-d.r2_1'
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Re: P1 energy consumption not shown in dashticz

Post by HansieNL »

Can you change d.v_1 to d.v1_1
You can simply change Dashticz' branch by typing the following commands in to the Terminal:

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cd /var/www/dashticz
git fetch origin
git checkout master
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Re: P1 energy consumption not shown in dashticz

Post by Kiekerjan »

Thanks. Changing from d.v_1 to d.v1_1 brought back the data. I only have a double y-axis now. I will look into that next

EDIT: changed text as I didn't realize that I now have double y-axis. So data is back but not yet displayed as I wish
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Re: P1 energy consumption not shown in dashticz

Post by Kiekerjan »

Changed the graph parameters to this made it work again! Thanks a lot!

Code: Select all

blocks['PowerGraph'] = {
    title: 'Energie',
    debugButton: false,
    devices: [1],
    graph: ['line','bar','bar'],
    lineTension: 0.4,
    stacked: true,
    custom :{
	"12 uur": {
            range: 'day',
            filter: '12 hours',
	    ylabels: ['Energieverbruik [W]'],
            data: {
                netto: 'd.v1_1+d.v2_1-d.r1_1-d.r2_1',
                verbruik: 'd.v1_1+d.v2_1',
                teruglevering: '-d.r1_1-d.r2_1'
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