Security Panel does not fit (on mobile). Topic includes a CSS fix.

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Security Panel does not fit (on mobile). Topic includes a CSS fix.

Post by MeneerKlaas »

On my mobile the Security Panel did not fit nicely:
Example of panel not fitting.
Example of panel not fitting.
Security Panel - Does not fit.png (26.06 KiB) Viewed 1596 times
This was a bit annoying, so I have created a new CSS file to fix this problem. If I did my work correctly, the panel will always fit and it contents will be resized accordingly:
Example of responsive design.
Example of responsive design.
Security Panel - Responsive.png (55.27 KiB) Viewed 1596 times
The updated CSS file is attached (don't forget to rename it to style.css). Replace the existing one in: \home\pi\domoticz\www\secpanel\css\

An other option is to rename the file to "style_new.css" and then update the index.html to point to the new style sheet.

When you are replacing the original file with the same name, do not forget to clear your browser cach.
The best approach therefore may well be to add the css with a new name and update the index.html file.

I have tested it on Firefox, Chrome and Edge. It all seems to work fine. No guaranties of course. :geek:

@Domoticz Developers: Feel free to use this updated CSS in any new version of domoticz.
New CSS file for Security Panel. Rename to style.css.
(3.11 KiB) Downloaded 75 times

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Re: Security Panel does not fit (on mobile). Topic includes a CSS fix.

Post by robhiddinga »

thanks, still usefull as not fixed in domoticz yet
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