Issue with Thermostat Device and Current Temperature in Domoticz with Homebridge

For heating/cooling related questions in Domoticz

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Issue with Thermostat Device and Current Temperature in Domoticz with Homebridge

Post by gibbo520 »

Hello everyone,
I hope you’re all doing well! I have a question regarding thermostats in Domoticz.
I currently have several thermostat devices that work correctly, and I have successfully set up eDomoticz to integrate Homebridge with all six of my devices, including the thermostats.

The thermostat is properly recognized by Homebridge and, of course, shows the thermostat set point. However, Homebridge (and HomeKit) allows for displaying the current room temperature within the same device, as shown in the screenshot below (where the orange is actual temp and the gray the setpoint).
Screenshot 2024-09-08 alle 10.25.22.png
Screenshot 2024-09-08 alle 10.25.22.png (17.49 KiB) Viewed 958 times
Is there a way to create a thermostat device in Domoticz that also sends the current room temperature, so that it can be correctly recognized by Homebridge through eDomoticz?

Thanks in advance for any guidance!
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