Reading Fritzbox Power Device Fritz!DECT 210

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Reading Fritzbox Power Device Fritz!DECT 210

Post by Grizzly2000 »

I'd like to present my code for reading a Fritz!DECT 210 power plug...

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from fritzconnection.core.fritzconnection import FritzConnection
from fritzconnection.lib.fritzhomeauto import FritzHomeAutomation

def retrieve_power_stats(address, user, password, timeout=5):
    """ Retrieve and return power statistics from energy sensors. """
        # Initialize the FritzConnection
        fc = FritzConnection(address=address, user=user, password=password, timeout=timeout)
        log_message(f"FritzConnection initialized: {fc}")

        # Initialize FritzHomeAutomation with the FritzConnection object
        fh = FritzHomeAutomation(fc)

        # Find all home automation devices
        devices = fh.get_homeautomation_devices()

        # Filter devices to find those that are energy sensors
        energy_sensors = [d for d in devices if d.is_energy_sensor]

        if not energy_sensors:
            log_message("No energy sensors found.")
            return None  # Return None if no energy sensors are found

        # Assuming you want to return the power stats of the first energy sensor found
        power_device_ain = 'XXXXX XXXXXXX'  # Device AIN
        log_message(f"Device AIN: {power_device_ain}")

        # Fetch device stats
        # Get the power and energy values using the device AIN
        device_info = fh.get_device_information_by_identifier(power_device_ain)

        # Extract the power and energy values from the device information
        energy_value = device_info.get('NewMultimeterPower')

        # Divide energy_value by 100
        if energy_value is not None:
            energy_value = energy_value / 100

        power_value = device_info.get('NewMultimeterEnergy')

        log_message(f"energy_value: {energy_value}")
        log_message(f"power_value: {power_value}")

        return energy_value, power_value  # Return the power and energy values

Just a contribution to the community.
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