In the process of verifying all DzVents scripts, noticed that the switch device assigned to Keybord does not receive any data. Manual’s CONTROL section states: “After successful read, the USER_CODE_REPORT or ALARM_REPORT_V2 will be sent.”
Used badged (userId 1) to set Home = Unlock state four time
Used badge (userId 1) to set Away = Locked state three times
Used code (userId 2) to set Home = Unlock state two times
Used code (userId 2) to set Away = Locked state two times
Messages appear in log files and in MQTT Explorer
Link to MQTT log file ... sp=sharing
Link to Zipato Payload ... sp=sharing
Another community member was asking about a Benext Tag Reader node device which was not “discovered” automatically.
Is there a possibility to add manually a device?

MQTT Explorer Partial Payload
Code: Select all
alarmType = {"time":1676803847174,"value":0,"nodeName":"Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad","nodeLocation":"Hall"}
alarmLevel = {"time":1676803847184,"value":0,"nodeName":"Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad","nodeLocation":"Hall"}
unknown = {"time":1676803847214,"value":254,"nodeName":"Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad","nodeLocation":"Hall"}
Keypad_unlock_operation = {"time":1676803107341,"value":{"userId":2}}
Keypad_lock_operation = {"time":1676803846989,"value":{"userId":2}}
manufacturerId = {"time":1676804027502,"value":151,"nodeName":"Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad","nodeLocation":"Hall"}
productType = {"time":1676804027508,"value":24881,"nodeName":"Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad","nodeLocation":"Hall"}
productId = {"time":1676804027514,"value":17665,"nodeName":"Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad","nodeLocation":"Hall"}
manufacturerId = {"time":1676804027502,"value":151,"nodeName":"Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad","nodeLocation":"Hall"}
productType = {"time":1676804027508,"value":24881,"nodeName":"Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad","nodeLocation":"Hall"}
productId = {"time":1676804027514,"value":17665,"nodeName":"Hall Keyboard Mini Keypad","nodeLocation":"Hall"}