Atag Zone One integration

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Atag Zone One integration

Post by mvveelen »

Hi, can the Atag Zone One also be integrated in Domoticz? Native (preferred) or via a plugin?

It seems that it works with Home Assistant (source: ... tml#part_9)

I also bought a 2nd-hand Atag One thermostat in case the One can't be added, but that thermostat is more basic than the Atag Zone One.

Testing, info, etc. : let me know, I can help ofcourse!

Edit: this plugin seems promising:
I tried it and I received several sensors, but the readings remain all at zero.
RPi3b+/RFXCOM rfxtrx433E/Shelly/Xiaomi Gateway/Philips HUE Lights/Atag Zone One/2 SunnyBoy inverters/AirconWithMe/P1 smartmeter/Domoticz latest Beta
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