Convert 'Electricity' style device to 'Instant+Counter'

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Convert 'Electricity' style device to 'Instant+Counter'

Post by pjsgsy »


I have an 'Electricity device which holds the current Eelctricty consumption for my home. It's been setup this way for a long time. I think, reading here, it is now better to use Instant+Counter as this has better reporting and works with the new Energy Dash. I do however have 7 years of data in this sensor that I don't want to loose.

Is there any script or way to 'convert' the old style Electricy device to an Instant+counter device? Anyone done this and can give me an idea of how to go about it?

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Re: Convert 'Electricity' style device to 'Instant+Counter'

Post by waltervl »

Why do you want to keep this old data as it has no usage. You only can see the Min, Max and Average Power (in Watt) per day. So what do you want to do with this? What does it tell you?
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Re: Convert 'Electricity' style device to 'Instant+Counter'

Post by waltervl »

See also my comment in the Energy Dashboard topic, perhaps you can use other devices.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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